You have raised a number of real and pertinent questions. People on tI think 🤔people often assume that everybody will be responsible but who are we kidding?
Because this blockchain is a work in progress post like yours are important to help sort out the issues that have not been considered ,like abuse in any form.It should not be immortalized.
However , a proper system has to be established to judge these things - it cannot be left to the whims and fancy of the powerful to censor.
Downvoting can be used to abuse people too perhaps there are good posters being sentenced without a trial or jury. A better system could be that questionable content be flagged and put up for review. What would be the measuring stick?
There must be clear guidelines or else if I don’t agree with your ideology I could downvote you and there goes freedom of expression. People need rules - if we don’t have them there will be too many blurred lines.