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RE: Create content in a garbage can?

in #palnet6 years ago

You're as trollish as he is and you defend his actions even when he makes death threats to people. If you're not the same person, then you are exactly the same filth.

You have his keys. You were dumb enough to expose yourself in Drugwars.


Gosh.. you really are out there. Yes, I do troll you when you tag me in your ridiculous claims.. it’s kind of fun as you are seriously out there.

I don’t have his keys you idiot, or don’t you think I’d maybe vote better shit? No? Logic is over your head?

And I’ve never played drugwars.. as I told hightouch. The game is dumb and I’ve never played it. They made a change and you could be any name you wanted.. apparently someone used mine with my photo. I didn’t expose anything.. as I’ve done nothing wrong. I’ll just keep waiting for you to find anything.. and keep trolling you when I’m in the mood... as you have been poking me for awhile, pretty sure you deserve it 😉

LOL, I was the one who made the account with @llfarms name (which I asked permission ahead of time) as a joke. When @edicted started to attack me and then handed over the accounts to you and Nick. So I returned the favor 10x.

That was all me, @justineh said she never played Drug Wars and I believe her. I had the name for a month before I could change it to something else.

By all means, continue your fantasy land @mitardo. It's entertaining.

I hear you were really upset when you lost the keys to the accounts.

Man, you are buckets of fun 😂

I have no reason to lie.. especially about drug wars.

Enjoy your day and try not to hurt yourself by using that brain or yours...