I can't hold all these tokens!
(meme pic created at imgflip.com)
Yes, guys there is now and is going to be an explosion of Steem Engine tokens! Just today I received a fairly generous airdrop of LEO tokens, which is the token of the new Steemleo tribe. (steemleo.com). Naturally I do see this token as a good investment and staked them immediately, as well as purchasing about 25 LEOMM, the Leo mega-miners.
The Steem Leo tribe is a forum about investments, which is a fascinating topic for me, so I'll be reading and probably posting there from time to time.
Overwhelmed by tokens?
It's going to get crazy guys, I'm sure there are going to be dozens, if not hundreds of more tribe tokens appearing soon. Heck, even I'm contemplating starting my own tribe with a new Neoxian Silver (neoxag) token. Is this a good thing? Or is it too much?
Free market in action
It's a good thing. This is the free market at work. The very best run forums/tokens will rise to the top, and the lesser tokens/forums, made by those just trying to cash in on the hype will sink down. It's up to the investor to determine which one is which.
Miners miners miners!
I've got Pal miners, Eng miners, Weed miners, SCT miners and now Leo miners. Even with the SCT (https://www.steemcoinpan.com), it's a Korean forum, so I'll probably never curate or post there (I'm not Korean and don't speak the language), perhaps I can still cash in on Korean Moon magic by stocking up on the SCT Miners... now if only they would actually produce something...
(meme pic created at imgflip.com)
Tagging is important again
You know, it's funny. One of the first things I did when I entered the world of Steem was try to flag posts that were not properly tagged. This quickly made me pretty unpopular, and eventually I gave up.
But now tagging actually matters again. And of course, there are a lot of thoughtless people just sprinkling every tag they can think of, in desperate hopes of gaining a fraction of a token.
Please tag your posts correctly
If you add the "spt" tag, your post better be about the "Splinterlands game", if you use "steemleo" then your post should be about investments. In some cases it's easy. Palnet is a general purpose forum, so you are free to use "palnet" on nearly everything. If you are not smart enough to tag your posts correctly, then I'll unfollow you at the very least, possibly flag you, and I'm sure the forum owners will flag you with a massive flagging account.
On a positive note
I'd like to end this post on a more positive note and just say I'm incredibly excited about all these new tribes and tokens. Invest wisely! There has never been a cooler time to be a Steemian!
That is the spirit. These tokens and tribe are finally here to stay
Yeah thats really true HODLing of all the different token at thine is really difficult to do it. Because need to keep so much record of trading as well as Pvt key and all. ☺️👍
I didn't get any, help me get some.
Woohoo we got the mighty neoxian on board! You're a prime target for the Steemleo demographic ;)
Ok, I will hold my leo. I will be lurking steemleo it seems. I have some knowledge of trading but want to learn so more sources the better. The miners are intriguing to me and I have a palmm but haven't gotten any others. I am not sure their real potential...
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Hey! Thanks for being a hodler! It means a lot. The mining pool is 300k per year and there are 30 winning miners each hour. It's hard to say exactly how much LEO you would mine each day because it depends on a lot of variables. Sorry we can't give a more clear answer than that 🧡
Thanks! I got 5 already today. I am just going to stockpile worthy looking project's miners and see what happens.
Posted using Partiko Android
In the #newsteem is very important to have Steempower and Palpower
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The tokenization of the world by steem and steem-engine 😁
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Keep your one tag slot for another upcoming scot token! Some how it might come soon, or somehow it might be late! That depends on amount of STEEM on my hand! So far, I am short by funds to do those upgrades!
I think you can also do more with your token isn't it?@neoxian,
Yeah, this steemleo tag seems about perfectly suited to me! Thanks @khaleelkazi!
It is amazing to be able to upvote many tokens on a single post!
My voting power is suffering as I curate on several condensers now. My vp is fine on the custom sites, but on steemit I'm drained!
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Hmm yea, I love voting simultaneously on all the sites, but I can totally understand how could be draining for some. I would be in favor of being able to differentiate your votes, as an option. Like 10% on weed and 1% on Steem proper.
It is a setting that should be instituted on the tribal type pages. Like a lot of people, voting on palnet, then on steemleo, does drain the steem vote bucket. A simple slider on the setting page for setting the steem vote amount would be great. Then the vote slider when you vote would be just for the PAL or LEO coin. I am glad to see larger accounts seeing this small problem.
Awesome post on steemleo now steemleo also rock like palcoin .
hahah so many tokens all over i can't even remember the name now lol
nd guess what! With these new airdrops
and incredibly quick dolphin and whale status you gain new followers as well. This all led to having Palnet coins staked as well. So just staking these coins is accumulating ‘wealth’ and solidifying new communities due to new influence you didn’t know you had!
Congrats on winning the lottery!
"Heck, even I'm contemplating starting my own tribe with a new Neoxian Silver (neoxag) token."
Go for it boss!
It's pretty much like you said, it'll all come down to which one performs better as a whole. There's some chance to get some tokens as an early adopter. Cheers!
this is something I want to see !!
The best part is that unlike ERC20 tokens, we don't have to burn gas to play around with them.
Good point!
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heh savage neo sir :P
If steemleo is all about investment then i guess its not for us as i agree i can't hold all these tokens too :P My next hopes are on neoxag . Best of luck for all your investments.<3
wow never knew about your this side :P
I'm waiting for some sct from sct miners, weed and pal miners did produce something daily.
hey it is pretty cool i found interesting steemleo is rocking
Wow! Very sudden development! Thanks for sharing! Good news for the bright future!
Lol, I was one of the bad girls selling all the PAL right away for DEC :) as I didn't have time to read into Palnet at the time, so I figured to dive into that later and while I was waiting for that just enjoy the DEC.. Now I regret it, and using palnet for my posts.. but lesson learned.. no LEO for me ;)
@neoxian You know I am a Big SILVER Fan so I Would Love to be a HODLER of a Neoxian Silver Token. I would Even Stake It........
sct and spt, are we gonna get sat and sbt soon? How about all these tags.. we only get five? it's all going nuts... but in a good way.
I also fear the explosion of these many tokens and airdrops. I don't know if I can keep up with then all. Steemengine has made it easier though.
Sin lugar a dudas el nuevo token Leo, se le aprecia un respaldo en cuanto a los creadores muy interesante. Estoy dispuesto a unirme, las inversiones y los negocios de las criptomonedas es algo que me atrae y deseo continuar adquiriendo experiencia. En buena hora el nacimiento de LEO Token
What up Neoxian! Good to see you on here from Whaleshares. I think LEO is going to be one of the more popular of the tokens that has come out so far. Been stocking up as much as I can.
As a relatively new steemian, it’s super hard to find a good resource on tags. Ie besides searching trending. It’s hard to learn about the smaller communities and what/when to use a tag. Id love to see your stash of useful and appropriate tags.
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I would look here:
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👍 Upped and resteemed
Haha great post @neoxian ! My wallet just keeps getting bigger and bigger with more tokens added everyday, its crazy, And im loving it!! most are not worth much right now, but some are awesome like this new LEO Token and the fact that they matched the TOTAL PAL In your wallet , not just what was air dropped! I must say its getting a bit overwhelming! I have all ready staked my LEO Tokens and also did a intro post to help spread the word! 😂❤😎👍
SteemLeo was made for you man!
Have you gotten reward for staking the leo mega miners?
Yes the Leo miners have produced results.
I am also juggling coins, miners and posting tags.

I am trying to figure out which Ones to post, which miners are a good investment. It should be frustrating, but quite frankly it’s fun. I love having this much activity and enthusiasm on the Steem blockchain!
I love this meme by the way! I have gotten only like 0.005 SCT per day with 40 forty miners!
It’s sad but makes me laugh and gives me flashbacks of mining Etherieum and getting crumbs🤣😂
I have thought of forming a delegation consortium of sorts, since you can delegate coins, why not miners, then just split the rewards when they come along straight miner percentage lines. It probably would yield better then it does now.
It’s a very exciting time and good to think outside the box?
Take Care,
I staked mine as well and picked up 35 LEOMM. I really like the idea behind the Leo platform and think it can do great. I do hope that people take your advice and don’t abuse the tags in hopes to just collect all of the tokens they can.
All of a sudden, the whaleshares idea of pods makes sense.
I actually liked the POD idea,..it's just everything else I didn't like about whaleshares.
Can you please remove the vote you cast for this post?? It has nothing to do with investing. He should have brought up milk futures or something at least! This is a big disgrace, I will be flagging the upvoters of that post if you do not remove the upvote from it. I will check back in 24 hours!