Pennsif's Sustainability Curation Digest for MSP - week ending 7 February 2021

in #palnet4 years ago

I've been getting busy in the polytunnel this past week.

Getting it all ready for the new growing season.

Looking forward to getting planting very soon. But also looking out for some 'self-starters' - volunteer plants that will pop up again from last year.

I'm betting big on beans and potatoes this year. Wouldn't it be great if they could be periennials !

While I am waiting for the beans to sprout I will be tracking down more great sustainability related posts to read on Hive...

My Five Sustainability Picks of the Week...

Diy, how to propagate pawpaw seed into producing more pawpaw trees by @olaunlimited

Brownie Vegano/Vegan Brownie [Spa]/[En] by @kyleana

If you aren’t eating this vegetable now, you will be soon - Bok choy the superfood by @restcity

RECIPE - Tahini Cookies by @pepiflowers

Are we looking at a Grim Future? We could be entering a Dim Age by @senorcoconut

The Minnow Support Project has multiple curators that pick five posts from under-valued minnows each week to highlight through MSP3k. This way MSP and PAL can promote new writers and content creators on Hive, and in effect reward them for doing a superior job.

[ header graphic by @pennsif ]



Good to see you mate. I have been here the whole time and occasionally drawn away from posting because of life and excuses. You still kill it with the short posts. Such a master!


Hi Zeke,

I'm still dancing around the edges. Hoping to get back to full-on posting again but real life keeps pulling me every which way...

We tend to get potatoes popping up wherever we last planted them and sometimes get quite a few that way. I do like the plants that just keep coming back with minimal maintenance.

Hope things are going well with you. We may get more snow this week, but it's just cold for now.

Hi Steve,

I'm playing with the idea of a perpetual potato bed - just leaving a few seed potatoes in the ground with each harvest. There is a potential blight risk but following Charles Dowding's no dig method of just continually adding layers of fresh compost can potentially prevent that.

Hopefully no more snow here - particularly tomorrow as we are expecting an engineer who is coming to make our broadband better.

Yes potatoes!! I want to grow potatoes this year for sure too... sweet ones and blue ones and the old little round ones I would like. One more month or so here before we can start planting the hardy stuff.

Thanks again for the link in this post, it's well appreciated.

I've not come across blue potatoes... What are they?

I don't know the name of them but in Peru there are something like over 200 different varieties of potato of all shapes and colors! The blue ones are probably a little more on the purple side of things but and they are delicious!