This, being my first post on the palnet front is about the men of the armed forces. Who needs us to reach out to them in every way we can. I hope that after reading this, we can show somelove to them, because they are the protectors in the land of men against the enemy at the borders.... Happy Reading..

As the end of every year approaches, we all wish ourselves a merry Christmas and a happy new year as friends and families. What a beautiful thing to say to ourselves. Thank God for love. But love is incomplete when we forget that WE ARE MADE FOR ONE ANOTHER AND SHOULD SHARE LOVE WITH EACH OTHER.
To crown this wonderful Christmas and new year wish, we go ahead to say a prayer I LOVE YOU AND PRAY TO SEE YOU AND BE PART OF MY NEW YEAR. What a prayer for longevity of life. It's no doubt that we love one another. But love spreads far from friends and families alone, it spreads to strangers too. The major attention here is payed to the men and women of the armed forces. We, the regular citizens in some way, gave some, while they GAVE ALL. They gave up their sanity, and entire lives into our service. By being on the front lines and the battle fields to ensure that we sleep soundly at night and work freely during day WITHOUT FEAR OF AN INVASION AT ANY TIME from known and unknown enemies.
The Uniformed men are the true Heroes... Their superpowers lies in deciding to fight for our safety and protection...

Some would say, why should I pray for them all when they can go rogue and mutilate innocent people while at war; well, only warring men can tell tales of what they experience which makes me refer you to the all they gave THEIR SANITY. I am not saying this to justify their actions, but to show you that war has its horrific effects on the lives of this men.
On this note, I would love to say to the uniformed men and women of the armed forces that I LOVE YOU, APPRECIATE YOUR SERVICES AND WOULD LOVE YOU TO BE PART OF MY 2019 and 2020 IN GOOD HEALTH AND LIF
I implore us all citizens of this great nation, Nigeria and all other nations of the world to take a time out of the time we share to friends and families to tell the men and women of the armed forces that we do love them, give them kudos for all their efforts for its not easy to take a life for men and women you do not know. Like it is in marriage, embrace them in good and bad times, support them in times of weakness so they will be there in times of strong for us, with all the God-given goodness we can give.
In conclusion, for every festivities that approaches and we have a reason to show our friends and families love, let us not forget the uniformed men who are alone in strange lands keeping the peace and are unable to celebrate the festivities with their families. We should wish them all well, stretch our hands to them for support and prayer, and when we are able to do so, provide for them a token of appreciation as a civilian, or as an organization or any form of entity we are.
This to me, serve as a form of INCENTIVES, and as most of us know, incentives is a tool for greater productivity.
God bless all the countries around the world, the men and women assigned as her guardian on the face of earth against hostilities, God bless, Nigeria, God bless the ARMED FORCES.