This statement by the president is 100% correct... the only crime that he's committed is that he's not one of "them," a career politician who's been feeding at the trough of public corruption his whole adult life. It isn't him that the left is looking to defeat, it's America. President Trump is just an easier target- it's always easier to single one figurehead upon which to focus your rage than an entire nation. Believe me, if they are successful in impeaching him, it will just be the beginning- the war against America and American values will accelerate. George Washington in his farewell address could easily have been talking about contemporary America when he said:
The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads at length to a more formal and permanent despotism. The disorders and miseries which result gradually incline the minds of men to seek security and repose in the absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty.
For over two centuries the two-party has served America well, the question is why and how. Up until 50 or so years ago most elected officials actually represented the people that elected them, then during the 1960's something happened- the corruption of the Deep State, the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) that President Eisenhower warned of, infected both parties and our officials turned on us in favor of the corporate interests that bought them. These globalist multinational corporations have no national loyalties and they've come to dominate virtually every aspect of government including the bureaucracy that controls education. Education was never nationalized until 1979 under globalist Jimmy Carter and his lead advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski a member of the Trilateral Commission. Along with organizations such as the CFR (Council on Foreign Affairs), NGO's have come to dominate the political landscape. They've weaponized/radicalized children through the educational system resulting in groups like ANTI-fa. Now a cold civil war of sorts is taking place and it's becoming hotter by the day. If things continue the way they're going, it's only a matter of time before things turn violent (and I'm not talking about ANTI-fa cowards beating up the elderly).
The motives by the Democrats and their Deep State allies (RINO's) are well known to most of us by now. The latest impeachment call by the Democrats in response to the President’s call to Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky on September 23rd. 2019 where he discussed Joe Biden’s possible criminal activity is simply a smokescreen by the Democrats. Only two reasons exist for the rapid call for impeaching the President. 1, they want to try to get him out of office as soon as possible before their own criminal house of cards is exposed and 2, they want the impeachment process to dominate the news over any incriminating evidence he has found that most of them know will implicate them.
The evidence of wrongdoing by these criminals id overwhelming dating back decades- the Russia collusion hoax and FISA abuse and Ukraine natural gas slush fund just being the latest. The only thing this impeachment attempt has done is to call attention to crimes committed by the Nazi core Socialist Left. In this case, Hunter Biden was exposed for his 1.5 billion dollar deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government, the Bank of China. As a result of exposing Hunter’s illegal deals with China, made possible by his dad Joe pulling strings via his position as US Vice President, we also learn of the private equity firm run by the sons of John Kerry and Joe Biden. The firm, Rosemont Seneca is just an LLC with a spiderweb of businesses associated with it. Along with Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s stepson, Chris Heinz, we know Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul Pelosi Jr. are also involved with associated dark businesses.
What we are witnessing with this latest impeachment attempt is a desperate scramble by the Nazi cored Socialists in office, both faux Democrat and RINO Republican alike to get President Trump removed from office before he begins to bring those involved in high crimes and treason to justice.
The American are sick and tired for paying for the Deep State's endless wars- the cost both in terms of money and the lives of our young has been astronomical. During the 2016 election Trump's promise to bring our young people home resonated with voters, but not with the Deep State and their financial backers in the MIC and Big Pharma. They're the ones behind the push to impeach. Ironic isn't it that the peace-loving Democrats are impeaching to prolong a war that they never signed off on in the first place... their hypocrisy is as overwhelming as their dishonesty.
Trump's response to this onslaught has been straight forward. In a statement on October 9, he tweeted that U.S. forces "should never have been there in the first place." Later, he added, "I don’t want to stay there for the next 40 years. It’s not going to do anything.... I campaigned on the fact that I was going to bring our soldiers home, and bring them home as rapidly as possible.” Part of keeping that promise, he said, is not thrusting U.S. forces into even more conflicts that have no end in sight. “We interject ourselves into wars, and we interject ourselves into tribal wars and revolutions and all of these things that are very— they’re not the kind of thing that you settle the way we’d like to see it settled. It just doesn’t work that way. … And it’s time to come back home.
Make no mistake, the president is in trouble... if the hate-filled Deep State fails to impeach they will try to assassinate President Trump. He needs our help. "This hate-filled Democrat ideology relies on our willingness to accept their lies, falsehoods, and scripted presentations; and then demands we grant benefit amid their seeds of doubt." Every one of us can help... get on the phone and have your friends and family do the same. Call Nancy Pelosi's office along with your local rep- and don't stop until this impeachment foolishness is stopped! The only reason they're doing this is because they think you're not paying attention and they can get away with it. Let them know that we're on to them. JFK saw through the Deep State scheme and he was killed because he refused to stand down... can we do any less?
It is the responsibility of each of us to stand, defiantly if needed, and support a President who is waging a battle against multiple adversaries on our behalf. “Stand” means be visible. “Stand” means let your voice be heard. “Stand” means telling your republican representatives what your expectations are. They represent us; WE are the people.
To respond we must engage as an insurgency. We must modify our disposition to think like an insurgent. Insurgencies have nothing to lose. If insurgents are not victorious the system, which controls the dynamic, wins. However, if insurgents do nothing, the same system, which controls the dynamic, also wins. Do nothing and we lose. Go to the mattresses, and we might win. The choice is ours.
Pelosi and her sort view themselves view themselves as rulers- they need to be reminded who they actually work for. If that doesn't work, as Thomas Jefferson once wrote: "The tree of liberty must from time to time be watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots." The time for polite discourse has come and gone. Not only is our president in grave danger- so too is our republic. Are you afraid of ANTI-fa? I'm 74 years old and I'm not.
Why is this important? Well, today 129 Republican House members spat upon our President as he works tirelessly to defend out interests and put America First. 129 Republican House representatives voted against the one Republican who is doing everything he possibly can to fulfill the expectations of those who elected him to office. 129 back-stabbing cowards, voted to condemn President Trump for withdrawing the U.S. military from Syria; the same military engagement those same spineless cowards in the House would not vote to authorize. Those 129 Republicans should be shamed. (Link to Roll Call vote at bottom if you want to see how your rep voted)
Here's something else to think about... if you don't think that the Deep State has enough votes to remove the president, just remember who owns them (hint: it isn't you). Things are fixin to get real folks and time is running out. If we don't stand up now and make our voices heard (all of them) this will devolve into a shooting war. It doesn't take much effort, just two or three phone calls a day. If America isn't worth that much effort to you, then enjoy your slavery. As for me, whatever it takes, I will never kneel to totalitarianism... they can throw me in prison, or they can kill me- any man not willing to die for something is living for nothing.
Nulla vita sine libertate
Upvoting this despite disagreeing on your assertion that
The man's mentor (like a second father) was Roy Cohn, who probably mentored Epstein as well. Trump says a lot, but his actions don't back them up.
Where is he in regards to Assange?
Where is he on the border? Did you know VOP is disbanded, Lewis on his way to a minimum 7-10 years.
Pima county nabbed him as part of a deal for aiding Border patrol, the sheriffs department has ot make sure the water barrels set out for the traffickers are unmolested so they can get their water 60+ miles from the border.
It's all talk as far as I see, he's in bed with them. He is a lightning rod to keep the masses in the boiling water just a bit longer as they install more of their surveillance tech and record more of our doings.
I'm not sure it's a crime but you're right. I've written a few articles about why isn't he backing Assange. Also a couple about why he doesn't help Schaeffer Cox.
Here's something else- with 5G about to come online, he exempted the area around Mar-a-Lago (and he just changed his residence from NYC to there)
I don't like or trust him, but that isn't a crime
On this one I have to disagree. The government is a corporation, and no corporation is going to allow Jo(e) Public choose its officers, including its CEO. Ergo, Trump was selected and We were merely told We voted Him in. He is not standing in the way. The script They (the psychopaths in control) wrote, casting the actors (the officers and others) is written such that it appears that Trump is some kind of hero. Or doing anything for Us. He appointed swamp to His cabinet, and that should be a major clue. But when He seems to be somehow protecting Us, We who take the play as real will rally, consent to Him being Our authority, accept that what the controlmind (government) does applies to Us... This keeps Us hoping, believing, waiting for Our "savior" to finish the job.
Maybe... I agree that the US is a corporation, maybe we bucked the norm, maybe not time will tell...
The U.S. is indeed a corporation. Co-opted in 1871
One law for the cabal, establishment, orchestrators and all who feed the Eye. . .and a different one for We the People!
Hoping more wake up, buck up and STAND against their tyranny and corruption!
Thanks for the article. A good one!
It is true that Trump can't be bought and bribed. It's why all the corporate owned media and corruptors in government despise him so much.
The U.S. is indeed a corporation. Co-opted in 1871
One law for the cabal, establishment, orchestrators and all who feed the Eye. . .and a different one for We the People!
Hoping more wake up, buck up and STAND against their tyranny and corruption!
Thanks for the article. A good one!
It is true that Trump can't be bought and bribed. It's why all the corporate owned media and corruptors in government despise him so much.