My dear friend Julieth, she is one of the strongest women I have ever known, since we were little she always had a hard life learning and developing in things that in our friendship group we did not get to go through. Today she is in Colombia and it has been about 4 years since the last time we saw each other, but always with the hope of meeting one day.
Mi querida amiga Julieth, ella es de las mujeres mas fuertes que he conocido, desde que eramos pequeñas siempre le tocó una vida dura aprendiendo y desenvolviendose en cosas que en nuestro grupo de amistad no llegamos a atravesar. Hoy día se encuentra en Colombia y ya van como 4 años desde la última vez que nos vimos, pero, siemre con la esperanza de reencontrarnos algún día.
I love it and even it impresses me as I go from this to the final work
Me encanta e incluso a mi me impresiona como paso de esto al trabajo final
✨✨If you want me to make you a draw, just let me know. I am open for comission without restriction.✨✨
I hope you like it. A hug for everyone and good vibes 💖
Espero les guste. Un abrazo para todos y buena vibra 💖
Consider to follow our trail on steemauto We thanks all the support.
Also, I'm a steemmonsters player, with the same User. If you wanna challenge me, trade or send any spare card.
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