Yup. I am at that point. I won't sell at a loss, but STEEM just does not do it for me anymore. This place is a flipping joke.
Hang around if you like, your business, your investment. Don't care to be the pivot man in this circle jerk anymore. Making this post just to advise those I delegate to as a courtesy. Please plan accordingly.
No worries. For Steem to hit a dollar will probably not happen anytime soon, so if you receive delegation from me? No worries in the short term. Once STEEM hits 1.00 USD I will power down.
No amount of pushups is going to save this thing. One can't fix stupid. Even this old drunk knows that.
OLD STEEM? NEWSTEEM? What in the hell is the difference? Have yet to see it.
No blaming here. The culture will not change. I am too old for this bullshit. Additionally, my pom poms broke! Hope @themarkymark likes my meme. Tagged him just to get eyeballs on this post. Might even get a penny if he sees the meme!
I guess it is time to go back to MTurk. Same amount of money (maybe more) for the time spent providing a service instead of competing with a great many illiterate, self important, narcissistic, self-upvoting, bot-wielding, trolling content producers? At least when doing work for MTurk I get complimented for a good job. Not jerked off by an autoupvote of dust.
pocketsend:11@sgt-dan, play around with the token of fun - POCKET!
Successful Send of 11
Sending Account: pode
Receiving Account: sgt-dan
New sending account balance: 264987
New receiving account balance: 30
Fee: 1
Steem trxid: 81cec70e85fdde3a120fb3217922243c50f86d24
Thanks for using POCKET! I am small bot and I am running this confirming code.
Fuck off! I am not in the mood for your spamming bullshit.
I apologize. That last comment I made was out of line.
Well I’m not ranting of my lack of time but trying that you see that sometimes there’s no physical time to “be” as wished due to this crazy fucking system that enslaves us only to consume ( in my case just to survive ).
Take some rest from Steemit and think on that you like of the whole thing and come back just focused on what is valuable, I’m not talking about money in any form ( Fiat or virtual ), I’m talking about people, feelings, friendship, love...yeah I know it seems too obvious or redundant but it’s what life(real life) it’s all about.
It’s my humble opinion ofc.
Anyways, whatever you’re doing think from time to time that here will always be some people that loves you. I’m one of those.
Sry if I vote you but I’ll keep doing it till you ask me to stop.
Love’n hugs ❤️Dear @sgt-dan... I can get your point, I’ve been around too much but please calm down, isn’t worth it to rant here ... that’s why friends exist. Ofc you’re free and mature enough to make what you wish to but think not of those that pissed you off but those that appreciate you. I’m one of the last mentioned. I wish I have enough time to engage more not only with you but also with others I consider valuable people. But my reality is not that, my job, my family duties ... I just can’t afford to reach all I want to do. An example: here is 01:41 in the morning, I’ve just finished the @mytunes weekly post after sending “manually” all the promised rewards and so on... I weak up at 07:30 so every minute I’m spending here I’m takin out on my needed rest. And like this from Monday’s to Saturdays ... well Sundays I have to do all the remaining home duties I left behind during the week. My last holidays were in December last year, I’m on almost 8 month working without rest. Like this during my last 4 years...
@sgt-dan I'm not sure I captured what has flipped you on Steem. I was thinking it was due to the lack of upvotes on your content but then when I read the comments you seemed upset at the auto upvotes so I'm puzzled. Why had Steem fallen to you?
Posted using Partiko Android
I read your post - and yup, I agree with everything you said.
Cant fix stupid - It's my first foray back into doing a 'real' post today - I just miss posting...
I got down voted off some fucker I've neven met/chatted with before (I don't need the rewards, thank fuck - so it's fine in that regard)
Now I'm just thinking how to retaliate without downvoting (against my principals).
plague his feed with offensive gif posibly! lol)
No point me up voting you mate - it's worth nothing.
I'll go check out that link (mturk?)
Yeah, it is an Amazon thing. Get paid for tasks.
Data Entry and such.
See what I mean? 5 minutes have passed and auto upvotes from the following people...
@prime-cleric (G-D? Don't think so.) @dreemsteem (not even on the platform anymore) @welcomewagon (defunct) @thehive (really?) @potplucker (you didn't even look) @eveningart (you didn't even look) @artemisnorth (you didn't even look) @shadowspub (you didn't even look) @audreybits (you didn't even look) @pode (you didn't even look) @tamala (you didn't even look) @spunkeemonkee (is that even still a thing?) @johnwjr7 (sorry, don't autoupvote Vets anymore) @quirky.countess (what curation trail are you on?) @strongtower (did you even look?) @crystalhuman (without a doubt an autoupvote) @stmdev (come on now) @laissez-faire (lazy curation) @loryluvszombies (just another curation follower)
Sorry, just stating the obvious. THIS IS WHAT IS WRONG WITH STEEM!
reach around since I gave you my e-mail.Oh and forgot @jerrybanfield. Thanks for the
Well Sarge you will do what you want
I have made zero secret about the fact that I autovote a select group of people to make sure they get my support on an ongoing basis. I have also made zero secret about the fact those same people are on my Gina notices so I can see their posts but sometimes I miss them when going through my list. Thus the autovote for support.
I checked, you are not on my list. That means someone else has you on auto support likely because some kindness you did in your sober self role. So, I did some more checking. Yep, found the source and will speak to that person about removing you.
And mr font of knowledge, @dreemsteem hasn't left the platform. She has stopped posting. She continues to support people through comments and tipu as well as keeping in touch on discord. She's still engaged in planning for the next Alliance Block Party including setting up and running a fund for people to save toward attending.
She has stopped posting on her account due to the lack of respect shown by some stakeholders. You know, like you just did toward her with your comment. Nice going proving her point
Enjoy some !SHADE 1
To learn more about SHADE visit the SHADE forum or come join the fun at PImp Your Post Thursday in The Ramble discord
Sorry for the nastiness. Just in a mood and very frustrated with everything (as usual). Nothing personal. Just a bad day.
Eleven of these votes were given to you because of two of the curation trails that I began. The people that autovoted for you voted because you had helped both Spunkee Monkee (which yes... Is a thing) and Welcome Wagon (which is not defunct). I know you know this now (and did not at the time of your comment) since I sent you a DM.
If you'd like to be taken off of either of these curation trails- do let me know!
I am happy to keep you on both because 1. They aren't very large votes anyway (so not depleting the rewards pool much) and 2. I was quite happy to add you to the curation trail for your support of BOTH projects.
Dreemie 🙂
Posted using Partiko Android
Appreciate as I do everyone that upvotes my posts. This post was not meant to be a personal attack on anyone. Just trying to explain my reasoning when it comes to autoupvotes. Please don't take it personal. Was not my intent.
I realize that there are some good things about autoupvoting. I just am not a fan. My personal opinion and like all armpits, everyone has a couple and from time to time they both stink. Mine more often than not! 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Not taking it personally at all, just let me know if you do want to be off. I will respect your decision!
Funny huh? I know more about you that autoupvote me than you know about me!
Thank you, that was very nice of you.
The only time I get comments is when I comment on my own posts. Upvote me? Tell me WHY! It is not like I post 5 to 6 times a day with garbage.Which is about 60% of posts I see on this platform.
My 8 year old niece is more interesting than the pictures I see here with about 3 lines of text. Oh, had to edit this comment that includes well known people on this platform. Got lazy after getting popular. Got their autoupvotes and don't even need to try anymore.
No worries about competition from other social platforms. Seems we are doing a good job all by ourselves destroying this place. Garbage, greed, high school level drama, incompetence of supposed leadership, no clue in marketing, everyone butt hurt, yada, yada, yada.
Tired of fighting. I will leave you all to your circle jerks/tribes. This indeed is one big Ponzi Scheme of epic proportions. Yes I have done my research.
I am trolling my own post so shut up @cheetah and @steemcleaners. You suck too.
I will just move my reputation up by commenting on my own posts. The @arcange bot will probably tally them up and I will get a better reputation.
Time to go look at old @jerrybanfield posts, game this system, power down and leave.
good things I have supported over the past two years have either gone defunct or are on their way there. Sad.STEEM has become a very big disappointment. Defended @jerrybanfield for a long time, have done the same with STEEM. About done with that. The few
Those that make a positive impact on this platform I will support until I finally leave. Just giving notice.
For the majority of you actually reading my post, looking at my meme and checking out my comments on my post (which are probably the only comments I will ever get), it is sad to say...

I hear how blockchain will change the world? DPOS by definition is an oligarchic type of society as are most social constructs. Democracy? Come on now. No such thing. Never has been. When folks tell me that blockchain will fix all the ills of society in the economic sense? My response...