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RE: Another bombshell for the covidiots

in #palnet4 years ago

I dont know whether it is real or fake, what I know that a 2 week cooldown period of stay at home, wash hands etc. became soon an entire year of dont see anyone, dont go out, dont travel, stay always home etc. Etc. This is getting out of hand, there needs to be a middle ground!


There is no middle ground with freedom. #sweden

A lot of people still died in Sweden compared to its neighbours x)

Poverty kills people too bro. Stop destroying lives over an exosome. People die everyday from a lot more than the common cold.

Shall we duel? Edit: Did you vote to make a heart attack a comorbidity?

So does Cancer. But 5K is still a lot extra compared to 640 deaths in Denmark and 267 deaths in Norway :)

P.s You don't have to send articles, I am not interested in reading anything about Corona xD
Or reading in generel xD

I also don't care if its fake or not, I don't know what to believe at this point :)
I just look at the numbers and an extra amount of people are dying because of something new :)

I don't know what you mean with "Did you vote to make heart attack a comorbidty?" xD

If you dont bother reading then why should I bother writing? Ill just wait to surpass you when you succumb to the latest bioweapon.

Are you from the USA my friend?

I life in the US corporation. This is no longer America. So yes, you could say I was from the USA. How about you?

I don't care if the Covid exist or not.
An extra amount of people are dead in Sweden compared to the Neighbore countries.

That isn't right :) Thats all I am saying.

I dont care about reading Conspircytheories or not.

Peoole are dying.