Get FREE On-Demand Upvotes with @steemexplorers Discord Bot - Just added 640 more BATTLE!!

in #palnet6 years ago


About Steemexplorers

@steemexplorers is an initiative designed within a discord server. It's intended purposes is to be an ongoing, ever expanding central source of information for Steemit users and users over all Steem blockchain platforms to be able to find quick reference information (descriptions, website links, discord channel links, and owner information) quickly and easily all in one location while also providing a real-time ability to interact with other users or service / community owners.

We have already achieve over 100 users in our short existence and plan to continue to grow as much as we can over time with the hope of helping as many people as we can. The main objective is to help drive growth and improve user experiences to help increase user retention over the long-term. This is something we believe is in the best interest of everyone patroning any of these steem blockchain based platforms.

In addition to all of the information that we have store on this discord server, we also provide some FREE upvote bots and services for anyone to use. All you have to do is come by the discord channel and drop your links into the respective channels using the appropriate "!upvote" or "$upvote" commands as you drop in your link that you would like upvoted.

This free service hold staked positions in all of the coins / tokens listed in the photo above for the benefit of anyone that would like to use it.

If you'd like to take this for a test run please drop by our Discord Server and check out what we're all about.

Thank you!
