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RE: Jeremy Lin: A story of endurance amidst hardship.

in #palnet6 years ago (edited)

I appreciated this post. Jeremy came out of nowhere and seemed to return to nowhere. His identity is not found in basketball, but rather Christ.

I needed this reminder.

On a different note, I see that you post some articles about sports. I know that there is a new interface called SportsTalk. It might be a good fit for you so that you can earn some more coins.

This link may help:


Thanks. Its definitely a life story that emboldens how Christ can reign in a life. And thanks for the reminder on sportstalk. I actually already tagged it to it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Sorry I missed the tag earlier. Looks like you are in the knows. Just wanted to pass info along in case you were not aware. Have a blessed day!

Definitely continue to do so. Amazing stuff going on!

Posted using Partiko Android