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RE: Take loans only when you have no other option left

in #palnet6 years ago

delish articel hun :D !!! well written :D
naa see, loan shouldnet be a OPTION, at ALL!! i find/see people forget that in A loan is masssive intrest... i also find people dont get or do the math , even before taking said loan..
Plus i also find; in to day- we NEED to show a serten standard, that is shown in access to money, one way or an other && there for, people take loans to keep said fasad looking shiny..
Please note; i loove peeps taking loans, as i as the lender gain from it ;)


Yes so true. Even if people take loans, they should have good discipline to fight to clear off their loan with their income. Some people are not religious about repaying their loan and they accumulate more burden on them.