Yeah Smithlabs !!! the Echinacea is splendid... please provide more pictures in this kind of posts ! And as you may know :
11 Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.” And it was so. 12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 13 And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.
I mean... what else do those fighting the plants of the creation need? in short they just exposed for what they are... aka the FALLEN.
I would add to your little list using a waterwarmer to put lavender flowers in it... lavender I remember to have read it, is excellent for the lungs :).
yeah from a political perspective it's very interesting to see that all including sanders never speak about the core principle of TCM which is preventive healthcare, they all are medicare, medicaid what ever for all, free medicine etc, but never address the underlying issues...
moderate sports, healthy organic food full of nutrients and co...
just more big pharma big hospital... it's not disney land, you can't buy a ticket or a pill and be healthy... it's a cultural problem...
what kind of pipeline did you work on?
not fully filtred sugar from sugarcane (yellow to brown) has some nutrients too :)...
be safe
edit: and apparently the size to the virus exposure plays a role, like in the case of the doctor in china who was silenced and became a true national hero, in short he was too much in the midst of it without at the begining the proper gears (+ trauma from being arrested while being on the truth side).
edit2 : and grow them yourselves !!!
I did a substantial post with lots of pictures with @squirrelbait recently. I am having trouble with steemit, and am working on my phone right now.
So pictures are more difficult, but here is the stinging nettle tea.
I use lavandar oil on burns, it is amazing stuff! Anything that improves lung function, is wise right now!