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RE: Why Using Civil Asset Forfeiture Funds For The Opioid Crisis Is A Terrible Idea

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

I note that the opioid crisis is entirely government stealing from people, just as is civil asset forfeiture. Government has no rights. It's an agreement between people that they intend to enforce their rights, and thus cannot have rights of it's own people don't have.

Do you have the right to make other people take actions? No? Then you can't delegate that right to someone else, nor a gang of someone's else. Do you have a right to take someone's money? No? Then neither does a gang. Gang's having the power to take money, or force people to inject stuff into their kids, or prevent them from eating what they want, has no justification.

Stealing the sovereignty of people and funding that by stealing their money is just two left turns. It's takes three left turns to make a right.