@honeybee posted an opportunity to discuss anarchist policy regarding pandemic response, and I noted that our personal responsibility best enables society to respond to this specific threat. If everyone took action proactively themselves to secure their persons and property from pandemic threats, we'd all be self-quarantined already, no longer touch public surfaces without first wiping them down with bleach, and no longer greet one another by hugging, kissing, or shaking hands. By taking personal responsibility we'd quickly drop the R0 of this virus below 1 and end this pandemic.
Statists glued to the official fake news will not be alerted to the existential reality, and will not be prompted to take nominal action to prevent spread of the disease, necessitating brutal state quarantines and imposition of totalitarian despotism that will disrupt society needlessly and with extreme prejudice. As a result, many statists will lose their lives, property, and freedom.
This is an opportunity to transcend the present statist paradigm, and enable folks capable of reason to adopt personal responsibility to secure themselves.
Yep, as usual personal responsibility solves the problem quick & easy.
And certainly, the control systems don't want people to take that responsibility; they want people to beg for help, and open the doors to these facial recognition drones and such that China is pushing out.
Honestly, looking at the death rates for Corona, with basically anyone who's not a "boomer" (and not immune-compromised) effectively safe... Sure seems like a good way to shift their "voter" base from folks who remember personal responsibility to 100% snowflake generation :-/
It is fairly easy for folks to test their foolishness. It's basically one question, if it's honestly answered: do I have an opinion on any subject I know nothing about? If the answer is yes, you are a fool.
There is a constant drumbeat of the young agitating against the old. It was ancient when I was young, observed by Plato. What young folks do not grasp when they disparage the aged is that the aged were young once, and their attitudes have changed from those they held in their youth due to their experience. Given their lack of experience, the young are baffled by this attitudinal disagreement with their youthful enthusiasm and willingness to adopt radical and unproven ideas.
The aged boomers have done this, and learned from that mistake. Insofar as boomers are the primary targets of this pandemic, the world will suffer a loss of experience that will be irreplacable during this crisis, and that will leave our youth existentially vulnerable to political manipulation they have no ability to understand.
As a boomer relatively likely to suffer the worst consequences of this pathogen due to comorbidities, it is my hope that far more factually based and reasonable young are paying close attention to ongoing events than I think are. My only purpose in living at this point is to empower such people to best enjoy the blessings of liberty and prosperity. In the event, which seems likely, of my swift demise, I shall be unavailable to provide such assistance as my life experience enables me to provide, and that is what most disturbs me about my eventual passing from this world.
Youths that denigrate experience deserve what they get. Sadly, their mistakes will harm others, who do not deserve that fate. For any that might be reading these words and sympathizing with youth derogating boomers, I urge you to resist peer pressure and apply reason and factual knowledge to the best of your abilities.
Statists wait, and rue the wisdom of hindsight when the state invariably treats them like the child they were groomed into being. The government should not raise you or anyone!
Yes, i've thought similar but not in terms of transcending or opportunity. Moreso in terms of jamming, short-circuiting and deprogramming.