Do you remember the great whale experiment?
it's just a meme
If you missed it, there was a time when some of the whales blocked other whales from voting and controlling the content. There was a lot of drama involved, but for the average end user it was a win. If whales voted the other whales flagged their votes away.
What happens when you have a better distribution? Let's find out on Palnet!
What happens when stakeholders actually protect their investment? I haven't seen a need yet, but when the scammers come to Palnet will the token holders fight abuse?
Will a group of people actually come together to do something with a common goal?
I'm excited about PalNet's community token, because it is a new experiment.
Steem doesn't work in my opinion because of the distribution combined with a complete lack of curation.
The large stakeholders allow the other large stakeholders to devalue their own investment and it is baffling.
I think there is a huge difference between being entrusted to allocate the new inflation and thinking that the new inflation belongs to you.
Well, let's get on with it... if you haven't heard about it yet, ... here are the details:
I've been trying not to be too negative, but feeling pretty salty about holding Steem Power, so I'm excited to participate in something that allows me to stay on Steem, but try something new.
I don't think Palnet is the solution for everyone, I think it is the start of communities with like minded people being able to control their own environment while not impacting others.
Just heard about the site today. Still anxious how it will work out as time goes
Wanna try this one! Hope it might be a worthy try!@whatsup,
Whale experiment was before my time. Palnet and those like it are exactly why I brought you RC's.
Thank you hf20.... You taught us many fun and interesting lessons. I hope your memory will live on after the shit show I expect hf21 to be.
I just found out about Its an interesting addition to the blockchain and I look forward to following its progress (I just created my first topic on there and earned my first PALcoin).
They haven't done the airdrop or whatever they are calling it yet, so that will also help a lot. Just keep that in mind while you are testing it.
True, currently I'm just poking around on the site.
Great post. I'm just learning about Palnet now. Made my first post earlier today and looking forward to using and learning the new platform. I have to get more up to date on all things STEEM, I use the platform daily but had no idea any of this was going on.
Pretty salty about steem power myself lol I put a rather large investment and time into Palnet I believe it will be my main go to now
Well, I also can't wait to see what else develops
ok. You're the third person that I usually follow cross-chain that's mentioned PALnet - and here I am. Did it work? :P
It did! Welcome!
I notice it doesn't have a link back to the site like Partiko has.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks for the heads up on Palnet :-)
Lots of developments lately...and surely this one might be a game changer. We shall see.
Yeah let's see what it comes out from it. Curious to see who will come and what type of content will be king and Queen in here eheheh