You can't save the world alone! | Poem x Pictures

in #palnet2 years ago


You can’t save the world alone youngin
You gonna need assistance
Everything is this instant
Petitions through fences
Grasses ain’t greener
That’s genetically modified dye
To be alive or survive
my scope through a tripod


I eyes a cyclops
Ka blazing through speaker
Sounds heals this Brownsville
Relate to the ethers
You Gods child melanation
Locked down or elevation
He who ascends to heaven
Must’ve fell 1st


Neglecting the spirit
But go ghost whens the weens hollow
Me follow who
Better be Sananda
Stand up in a land
Where a man’s identity
Is whatever she pretends to be
In a me lies an opponent
Enemies imply your atonement
In the trees Disguised as showman


No spit sick as phlegm from him
He who amends
Attends the feast
been beast
Wear wolves
Or wear sheep hooves
Stood amongst the most wicked
Inside the eye of a storm
Fire in palm
Scouts Street fighters
Siren the horns


When titans approach
You Need diapers
Deficate or meditate
Had to warn a G to regulate
Set a date
arrive fashionably
Raised a steak
for blood suckers
And fetal clones
A Tbone through solar plexus
For requesting adrenochrome
No curriculum can fit him
Solitary confinement he alone


Poem written by your's truly. Let me know your thoughts if any!

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Immense Love to @diaastayz for capturing me in my element. Be sure to show her love
