Happy 72nd Birthday Chevello ! - How about 72 Beers for a Gift - 72 Candles could be Dangerous LOL

in #panama-blog8 years ago
  • My Idea the day before to Celebrate My Friend Chevello's Birthday Was to buy 72 Beer and when they were drunk take a picture of him in a big circle of bottles.

Here is the Legend, I took this picture the next morning ( drinking left over beer )
Chevello birthday beer.jpg

  • Chevello is a very nice man. I bought my land from him and he lives across the road, Born and raised in our little town.

Just about everyone in earshot is related to him. And everyone within a day's horse ride knows him.
Here is the big shade tree in his yard were most Party's take place
chev big tree.jpg

  • Now his Birthday fell on a Sunday, So I naturally assumed a big party would happen and offered to buy 3 cases of beer - exactly 72 beer! How cool is that?

Sunday started off early for me on steemit before sunrise, when his Son-in-law passed through to do water tank service ( It's right beside our land ) about 7 am I asked what time the Baseball started today? 9:30 and our local team's game was at 11:00. I'll be there I said. On the way there I stopped by to visit Chevello and invite him to the baseball games. he replied, " no money to go.... " BS I said, " It's your Birthday and you will be 2 fisted drinking all day and night free ". He smiled and only said " Ya and I have Credit there too ". I'll see you there then and took off ( With Johana and our new puppy for leash training )
Here is our Sports bar & Community party spot
club from field.jpg

  • Our Club is only open Saturday & Sunday and usually is the men's hangout on those days, But during baseball games, Lasso competitions or Parties with live Music and Bull riding, everyone comes ( today 5 games where shceduled and teams from all over were visiting ).

Johana & Tigra under a shade tree enjoying the day
joe & Tigra.jpg

  • It was a great day of baseball and drinking ( Our team won all 3 games they played ) And to be honest I don't remember even going home, But a vaugue memory of having a few more beers at Chevello's on the way home, But I'm getting old I guess and went to sleep early. Checking my pictures the next day I found evidence that I spent some time & the local store & poo lhall which is a planned blog. ( not sure if I played? ) but it was dark by then :-)

Here is the evidence LOL
pool at night.jpg

  • Apparently the Big party at Chevello's never happened? ( Thus, The left over beer we were drinking the next morning )

And I never got my photo of Chevello in a circle of 72 empties...Maybe next year? with 73 LOL

Today Johana, Myself and Tigra are going to the Family home for the weekend and her Mom is coming here to care for our chickens & I forgot to mention....Has been Chevello's Girlfriend for just longer than I have known Johana. about 11 years.

  • So many blogs....So little ability LOL, But I will keep plugging away if you keep reading ( and Responding )

I'm going to create many more stories this coming weekend, And bound to blog about some of them, so stay tuned...
Here is my watering hole and pool hall there

  • Negotiations are in Progress to lease this bar for 5 years, And I'm less than a month away from getting my work permit.

But have tons of family that can help opperate it till then. We shall see?
Making Parties and getting people drunk for a living just might be right up my ally :-)
Untill we meet again my friends....

My Signature Post ---> Hop on My Love Train ( with music )

Life is Good @ steemit.com

If You do Your part...


Wish I was there!

I wish you were here too. Some day soon maybe?

Sounds like a nice little community where everyone is practically family...you found your little peace of heaven :) thanks for sharing ..upvoted and following :) :) Kayleigh

Thanks for the great reply 😎 Life is very good here. I'm now following & voting for you too.
Cheers my friend

You are very welcome :) And Thank You very much :) :) Kayleigh

Happy Birthday to Chevello... he's got me by about 2 weeks (8-2-1945)

I'll offer you the same Gift, plenty of time to book a flight and get here for your Birthday!

With my finances, I'd have to hitch hike lol! Thanks!

2 weeks is probably enough time, take the rest of your life returning hehe

If I got down there I'd never come back. I thought about moving to Belize to open a bakery years ago... it was really hard to buy bread, it was all imported. Then in '79 I was in Central America (can't say where) doing some "consulting" work for Coca Cola. I'm a little reticent about returning... some people have long memories!

I was just passing through over 10 years ago, so I know what you mean.
Bakery's do very well here, I've never seen 1 close.
As I was driving through El Salvador my wife spots a old fellow on a bicyicle with a big basket, so we stop and ask what he has? 8" bread rolls 18 for $1 !
Done deal :-)
Fancy first world bakery's are getting a good foot hold here now too, People willing to pay the price for finer things as wages increase.

This is Panama, Guys don't sit down to pee & Crap in out houses LOL
But the Government is in the process of building every house in the country a outhouse with flush toilets a sink and shower. So soon enough LOL
Thanks for the giggle

I was in Belize in the 70's and I didn't mind the outhouses a bit! And you're welcome! (We don't sit to pee in Arkansas either)

Cool story @codypanama. Sounds like your mate had a good day.

Would have been way better if he just listened to me, But he's content and it was his day after all.... LOL.