I haven't been to Panama yet, but now that you mention it, I don't recall seeing a tub anywhere in Guatamala or in the few South American countries that I visited.
You mentioned not having hot water. This was true for me in Guatemala as well. Do you guys use these little heaters in your showers?
This was my shower in Guatamala and the handle would shock me, the spider would terrify me, and the water still wouldn't get very warm.
Have solar water heaters taken off in Panama? It's weird how some countries like Greece have them on every building, but other countries don't seem to have heard of them at all.
Anyways, I'm curious about how you heat your bathing water.
Congrats on getting this project done! It's a big achievement! Heck, finding a tub for under $50 is an achievement all on it's own.
Looking forward to learning more about Panama. I think I'm about ready to leave the States again (been back for a year and I think that's long enough). I'm looking for likely locations to move to. Vietnam is top of my list right now, but I'm always open to having my mind changed.
Thanks for the informative post!
Thanks for a great reply, I'm now a follower.
I have the same on demand water heater as in your picture, just never hooked it up. I'm going to get a propane fired, on demand heater some day but who knows when?
When the heater in your photo shorts out, you do get shocked but has never happened to me, just people I know.
If I'm a little chilled ( very rare ) I'll put a pot on the stove and mix it in a 5 gallon pail to wash with. In the mountain towns here the water is cold, But where I live is almost warm in the afternoon. so not an issue.
Looking forward to reading your blog now, Thanks for dropping by mine :-)
You're welcome! I'm looking forward to reading more about your life in Panama.
I'll be presumptuous and send this then :-)
My Panama Blogs so far :
Enjoy :-)