So this is me throwing a pancake bomb over your face. Those are from today's breakfast and I made them myself with an even lazier recipe than @anmitsu.
This is just pancake mix with milk, butter and 1 egg. Some of them are a little bit burned and some are alright but all of them are fluffy and delicious.
Let's make #pancakes great again and fill all the timeline with a lot of delicious pancake fluffyness.
If you want to be part of the #pancakebattle just throw some pancakes to someone or post them in your timeline using #pancakebattle
@rubencress look what’s happening now! we need more pancakes to counter strike xD @eveuncovered innocent people have gotten involved 🥞🥞🥞 ... do you think we can get more? 😋
Elteam,,, I didn’t even think about the pancake mix! That is brilliant!!!