Is it possible? Of course. Everything is possible. However, some things are more likely than others, and each of us can see but a fraction of what is. As things are variously dependent on other things, such as photons being emitted by sources, we can know that if one thing is known, things it is dependent on for it's existence must therefore also exist - even though we don't know them directly.
Profanity exists without a doubt. Consider then, that profanity can only exist as perversion of the sacred, and the existence of profanity is dependent on the existence of what is sacrosanct.
In my considerations of the above, I have chosen to be aware of the profane, in order to be able to guard against it, but to delve intentionally and as deeply as possible into the sacred, because that is what I personally seek.
May you find it everywhere you look, because it is there.