uteun di aceh emg that luwah
menyoe got tapapah tanyoe sejahtra
tapi jinoe hana tatuoh le peugah
uteun yg luwah kabeh di cuca
mantap that panton Uteun aceh. hehe
uteun di aceh emg that luwah
menyoe got tapapah tanyoe sejahtra
tapi jinoe hana tatuoh le peugah
uteun yg luwah kabeh di cuca
mantap that panton Uteun aceh. hehe
Keulon ka neubie semangat raya.
Semoga ukeu uteun tanyoe kembali suci,
Beu ALLAH brie aceh sejahtera.Terimoeng geunaseh aduen @harjuky,