
LMAO! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,cat meme, fuck, fuck, fuck, something shiny, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, PORN

Classic line now :D

The internet sentence... classic! :-) Great episode ladies!

Thank YOU!! and thanks for always watching!!


Thank you :D it still makes me laugh :D

Really you never duct taped the kids to the walls or ceiling?

What the hell is gefiltafish?

"stuffed fish" is a dish made from a poached mixture of ground deboned fish, such as carp, whitefish, or pike. It is traditionally served as an appetizer by Ashkenazi Jewish households. Although it historically consisted of a minced-fish forcemeat stuffed inside the fish skin, this step has been commonly omitted since the 19th century and the seasoned fish is most commonly formed into patties similar to quenelles or fish balls.

He balls. Didn't know they had any :D

thought you would like that one :D

I suddenly want to make a Gefilte Fish and pineapple pizza... 😂
Not surprised that you two talked an hour-and-a-half, altogether! LOL!
Cool interview with two amazing ladies! 💜