Ramadan 1438 H ago, no less than 10 thousand Al-Qur'an has been given to Muslim brothers in the country.
Because Ramadan is time to collect rewards and blessings. Let's realize the goodness through the program Tebar Al-Qur'an to the country.
The Qur'an and the new Iqro will be given free of charge and as a substitute for the obsolete Qur'an or Iqro but still stored in surau, mosque, mosque, al-qur'an education park and mosque in remote areas .
Because anyone who interacts with the Quran or gives alms to support the Qur'an, it will always get a stream of rewards, multiple reply and gain glory in the sight of Allah SWT.
Donation Package Rp. 100,000 (Al-Qur'an translation and Iqro)
Donate Sahabat Peduli
Step Donate OnlineCLICK: https://dtpeduli.cf/tebarQuran
- Complete Data Contents on DPU DT Website
- Select Payment Method
- Make a Payment at the selected merchant
Because we are working with FINPAY from TELKOM
then the payment is done like pay telephon / Telkom / Speedy
(Enter Payment Code received as TELP number) - Automated Donation Log into DT DPU System
Donate Via DT Peduli Account
Bank BNI / BNI SYARIAH: 009.2553.729 an DPU Infaq Shodaqoh
Bank MANDIRI: 130.00.9000000.4 a Wallet of Care for People of Daarut Tauhid
Bank BCA: 777,0333,126 an DPU Infaq Shodaqoh
Bank BRI: 0884.0101.6683.537 an DPU Daarut Tauhid
Confirm Donate Chat to Admin
Chat at www.dpudt.org
Call Center:
0851 0001 7002
SMS / WhatsApp +62 821-1616-4545 / https://dtpeduli.xyz/adminDTPeduli
Telegram https://t.me/DPUDTBot
Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))
What a wonderful article... So inspiring
Thank you, sesama muslim wajib membantu
Butuh sebuah team utk membangun pondasi, dengan berdasarkan pribadi2 yg penuh komitmen...
Ya, saya jga merasa begitu, jika fondasinya kokoh, maka kokoh pula sebuah bangunan tersebut
Ya, saya jga merasa begitu, jika fondasinya kokoh, maka kokoh pula sebuah bangunan tersebut
alhamduliah... May Allah Will be Blessing U My Bro
alhamduliah... May Allah Will be Blessing U My Bro