The story surrounding this story was written by Spanish woman Lerina Garcia in 2008, in her social media known to her event.People who are surprised by the post and think that what really happens can happen in somebody's life? In his post he wrote:
Hello, my name is Luiz. I'm a 41-year-old woman and I think I'm not one of the world's.I came from Paralal Universe in this world. And everyone can not believe me, and they believe that they are a mental patient. In fact, I have been in a very bad condition. If someone among you is facing similar situations like me please, please send me a mail.After posting this post to social media, the post is viral, and when the various agencies come forward to listen to his case. According to his statement, everyone knows that,On 16th July 2008, Learyna got up from the sleep and found that she had fallen asleep in the bed-bed that night, she changed the color of bed sheets to another color.When he thinks he can not remember anything, then he may think that his mind is wrong. In the morning, she is ready to go to the office, in which she has been working for 20 years. When she was going to the office by car, she still thought about changing the Bedshit's color.When he reached the office, he was more surprised when he saw the name of another person in the cabin that worked for 20 years in the cabin. The name was a completely unknown name to Larina.Then he saw that the other Employees of the company were avoiding him as they did not recognize him. At first he thought that everyone wants to surprise him on the occasion of completing 20 years of work in the company.But for a long time, everyone understands that in the same manner that he thinks he is not right. Now he searches for his company's Wi-Fi on his laptop and searches for his name on the company's Employee List.Then he can see that his name is in that company, but it is in another department. Then he thinks that the job of that department was a few years ago.In this, she became interested in getting her own identity and to prove her ID, she has been trying to find out all the passports, driving licenses, job IDs from her bag. But he could not find anything to prove. So he thought he would not have become a psychiatric patient?Or is it a disease of monocia? It is called memory forgery. When he goes to the doctor to diagnose the disease, after examining various tests, the doctor can not find any symptoms of this disease.The doctor told him that he was not covered by any addiction. Lerina then saw the newspaper and her mail and realized that everything is normal, just like last night.Lerina broke with her boyfriend 4 months ago, with whom she had 7 years of relationship with her. Then there is a new relationship with Esther. And he does not know ExstianHe also told Lerina to call the wrong number. Lerina thought that this number has been talking to Agastyan for the last 4 months, how can this number be wrong?
After many attempts, when he did not find an obsession, he became frightened and terrified.Khaan Agastian seems to be wrong to him, then to get rid of these situations, he goes to his village.Everything was normal too there. She had an operation on her sister's shoulders, asking her to ask her sister that she never had any operation. Meanwhile, his family was shocked to hear about this and noticed that there was no previous Lerina. There are many changes in it.Later, he came to his house and found that his old boyfriend's gifts were in his house, which he had dropped after the breakup. He did not find any other way to search the Internet. After much searching there he saw the explanation of Parallel Universal.Then everything becomes clearer to him, he realizes that he is not at all in this world. So Paralyle has come to the world from the Universe. And after getting this explanation, he has his post in social media.
The story of Larryne is explained by Science Fiction.According to them, in the opinion of Larry in this world, such decisions in other departments, the decision to not break up with the old boyfriend, all of which are incompatible with the other world. So when Larryina of another world comes to the world, she is surprised to see these decisions.From this incident, the question of the common man comes from the fact that what really came from other worlds? Is there any world in parallel universes?
The answer is that he could not give any correct evidence or explanation of Loren's Parralal Universe.This event covered big news media. So you will find this phenomenon when you search on large blogs or web sites. However, science simply thinks it as a fantasy, which you will not see on any news.Because Paralal Universe is still the imagination of science. Science Fiction This means that there is Parallel Universe and they have scientific explanations. According to them, if you have evidence of the existence of Paralal Universe, you can change it in the past or in the future. But still it is still imagination.You must be wondering what happens to Larina after all this? Actually, then Learinina could not be found. It does not exist anymore, it does not exist anymore.Experts of these issues can have three situations in this regard.#We all like to watch an exciting science fiction movie, is not it? And from these books, any book written by a great writer or an interview with a scientist, you have heard of Paralal Universe.And if you have not heard it today, you will hear that there is no other human being anywhere else in the world. That's not just your look, but his talk, movements, gestures, everything is just like you.Not only that, he might sing like you, listen to music like you, eat as you like, and sleep like you do. In a word, he is like you, just like you, all his habits are like you.As if you are living in this world and in any other world. Do you think the words I say to myself? No, these are not my words, they are science fiction, to prove that they are a Spanish woman named Lerina Garcia, who mentioned the incident to her.Today we will know from Larina's event that there is no world in parallel universes? Did Lerina come from that world? Did he live in this world? And why does science fiction compare Parallel Universe with Time Travel?If you do not want to think of this matter as prejudice, then hopefully I will read the story.
- Lorena may have left itself to stay away from the debate
- Maybe he is helping the scientists in this laboratory. Or
- Maybe he has returned to his own world.But if he goes back to his own world, where is the world of Lerina? No one is able to answer that. Anyway, this is a strange mystery, which may solve its science.But today we had the intention to tell you this story about the Parallel Universe. What can be the parallel universe from which you can understand?Brian Greene scientifically talks about the Parallel Universe in his "The Hidden Reality" book. It also mentions the subject of the larynna. If you want to read the book or search through Google, you can know about Larreen in detail.Maybe you are very close to your twelfth parallel universe

LERINA GARCIA: image source:
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