Whats yours sleep paralysis experiences?

in #paranormal7 years ago


I have had a lot of sleep paralysis and mostly i hear really high and kind of heavy sound, and somebody is standing next to me or at the door. Once i saw creature like Kayako Saeki (samara?) from The Grudge crawling towards me ( i've never seen the movie) and holy sh*t it was horrible , just looking at the thing in to its eyes and couldn't do anything..

After some time i googled it, and found out how it works (sleeping on your back and force your body to stay still, even if you have some itch or just have a feel to move your limbs) and how to stop it ( try to move your little finger )

So i was wondering, what kinds of paralysis others have had, how do/did they stop it and what kind of creatures have you seen in them?


Oh my God, this shit fascinates the hell out of me, how many times has this happened to you? It's such a strange phenomenon.

More than 20 times :D i have those 2-3 times per year :D

I had an experience years ago. I raised up to the corner of my bedroom ceiling. It terrified me and I instantly was back in my body after a few seconds of panic.
Weird thing...my twin (identical) had the same thing at the same time. As if something was lifting us and pulling us together. (True story). Cool post.

I've heard that kind of dreams twins have had. :O Have you had other dreams that was same as your twin had?