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RE: Being a mom is hard work..and sometimes rather gross.

in #parenthood8 years ago

Kids are messy. My mother ruled with an iron fist. At age 8 and my sister 7 we already did all the house chores (only cooking was spared). Before she left for work she would leave us a long list, split in half, our names on top. After school we came home and did it....there was no wondering "should we or should we not". Weekends were the worst cuz i spent at least 3h ironing. We never complained or rebuked...mother hit hard. :D I'm not saying she did it right or wrong...jut saying how it was. Seems you kids have it good....but also seems they have it good on your account. I hope they dont take you for granted. :)


I'm pretty laid back. Everyone parents differently. They help when asked but don't have chores. I don't think what works for one family always works for another. They are getting better at picking up after themselves, but they could definitely help out more.

I'm pretty laid back.

I think thats the magic ingredient not only to parenting but also to life in general. :)

Indeed, makes my life go smooother :)