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RE: Is it wrong to homeschool my kids..

in #parenting8 years ago

Just saw this post now, though I remember @lukestokes mentioning it to me when he commented a week ago. Homeschooling is fantastic, and it does not mean that your kids will be anti-social. There are plenty of ways to get your kids into social situations without them being in public school. Our kids go to a music and art class for homeschooled kids which they totally love. There are lots of tutorials and co-ops for homeschooled kids that meet anywhere from a few hours a week up to say three days per week. My son also takes karate and is at the karate dojo 5 times per week if we don't have other things going on. (He LOVES karate.) And he is in cub scouts too. My daughter takes ballet and loves it. There are community sports teams and community art/dance classes. As @lukestokes mentioned, I found several other homeschooling families in our neighborhood and we do regular park playdates during the school year. Anyways, just trying to give some examples of other social activities available out there. I love homeschooling and couldn't imagine sending my kids to public school. I don't love every moment, of course, but I wouldn't have it any other way. I wrote a post about some of the things we do for homeschool which you can check out here. Anyways, don't feel bad about homeschooling. You are doing an awesome thing for your kids!