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RE: Kids, Candies and Politics- Is It a Good Mix?

in #parenting8 years ago (edited)

Chubby and glasses are cute in my opinion. I have perfect eyesight but have a pair of, ahm, fashion glasses lol.

Asperger's I learned of about 6 or 7 years back, when one of the contestants in America's Next Top Model was said to be diagnosed with one also. I can only imagine how it could have been for you, specially so since diagnosis was done later on. Growing up, did you have lots of why's that made sense after you knew you have it?

Army brat- this must have been both challenging and exciting! As you mentioned, not staying long enough to make lasting relationships- this would have been tough for me. At the same time you get to be in many different places! Having new experiences, seeing different cultures, this could be a blast.

I'm sure your mom must have tried her outmost best to support you with school while she herself was learning too. On the plus side, this experience would have made you more self-reliant and resourceful? Both traits necessary for success I think ^_^