Nature is perfect in it's imperfection with the capability to infinitely adapt, grow, and evolve!
GMO's might potentially have potential... as lots of people argue, and I guess I can't really say for that even though I personally love and prefer natures design.
However, the main current GMO problem is that it is extremely corrupted, as it's focused to be designed to resist and receive as much poison as possible! While simultaneously destroying all the land it's cultivated on as well as the land around it, contaminating and wasting everything!
Not even mentioning all the money being passed under the table... OR the Monsanto and FDA interconnections...
Another excuse often used, especially by manufacturers (like Monsanto), which personally feels like the most clear sign of their fishy business (not just because they inject sea animals DNA into their products, haha), is that they say;
There is essentially "no difference" between GMO and non-GMO ... However they really say and emphasize that "they have the same nutritional value" which is nothing more than just silly word play... BECAUSE, when ANY organism can't reproduce and it's seeds are infertile/sterile, that is an obvious sign of poor health... since that is one of, if not, the most essential part in the cycle of nature and life…!