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RE: Finally said no!

in #parenting8 years ago

Those well child nurses can be such a blessing or such a pain. We got really lucky and had one that was very like-minded to us, but on a day she wasn't available and we had a very bad encounter with another one. I was upset for days afterwards and it was only after my mum gave me a piece of her mind, and practically told me to snap out of it, that I was able to see that while what we do is considered different and odd by some, we are in no ways harming our child. Today, one year later, we have a child, whom on many fronts is 'ahead' and is absolutely happy and thriving.


Thanks so much for the comments. I know exactly what you mean. I had 1 good appointment and that was when my regular nurse was sick. The fill in nurse was fantastic. If she could have been my nurse from the beginning it would have been a very different experience for us.
I do things differently than what they promote and so I guess I was an easy target for them to prove their methods are better. Like you, after my bad appointment I was upset for days too and was questioning my approach. I did get over it but it can be upsetting.
I'm glad to hear your child is doing so well too. Thanks for replying.