About the Author

in #parenting2 years ago

Where in the world do I find myself at the moment? After homeschooling my 5 amazing kids for over 20 years I found myself in Mataranka, Northern Territory of Australia for a bit of "me" time.


Everyone needs "me" time as I call it. A bit of self-love, pampering and self-care.... physically, spiritually and mentally. Nothing worse than a burn-out!

Homeschooling is hard work, parenting is hard work, keeping a relationship is hard work, however keeping your sanity during all of this must be the hardest thing for anyone.

So I'm dedicating this blog to all parents worldwide. To grandparents worldwide too as that's what I am now. Very proud to be Nanny to 10 wonderful grandchildren.

After teaching your own children for so long, as I did, you do feel a bit lost once they all leave home. It suddenly becomes earily quiet around the place. No loads of washing, massive trays of food to cook, no need prepping the next lesson. Life suddenly becomes lonely, sad, weird, lost.

Very greatful to have grandchildren. They keep me going, however... it's not the same for me obviously. I have a need to be busy... I have that need to be able to write, prep, teach, and share with other parents (grandparents) because I believe I have something left to give and share with all you beautiful people.


On my travels just from Perth to Mataranka I'm talking to parents who are dedicated to teaching their children on the road. You wouldn't believe how many homeschooling families are on the road.... either part-time or full-time. It's amazingly wonderful to see this first hand. Very proud of you all to undertake this mission. Not an easy task!

So in a nutshell, we homeschooled our children from scratch. They never went to public or private school. Taught them ABC's, reading, writing, arithmetic. All the basics until each and every child just powered away on their own... discovering their talents.

IT specialist; Art lecturer, mum and artist; Mum and shop keeper; Homeschool mum and writer; and last but not least... our whip cracker. These are their current "walks in life." The main point is that each one has found their place in this world. Their niche!

In my other post you can read about the amazing whip cracker "Whippy"


What I'm trying to convey here is that if you are a parent you will be the most amazing person to your child. You are their world, their inspiration, their support. It's up to you to encourage them, support them, teach them. Even if your child goes to school, it's still you who is responsible for the outcome at the end.

It's not a light-hearted task. It's not easy. It's not a bed of roses so to speak. However it's the most amazing gift you can deliver as a parent. It's your strength, attitude, emotions, and personality that will mould your child into their own personality and provide that pathway into this world.

So that's "me" at the moment. Finished one stage in life and now heading into another. Who knows where it will take me. At the moment I'm on the road. Enjoying life... exploring, walking, driving, talking, observing, and blogging.

Keep up your challenge of parenting. It's never going to come back once it's gone. Do the best you can with the knowledge you have and the resources available to you. Never give up! Your children are precious.



Welcome aboard! My library serves a lot of homeschoolers, and they vary from using strict curriculum models to very free-form self-directed learning structures.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I'm glad to help if I can. You might enjoy the Silver Bloggers and Pinmapple communities.

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Thanks for that info. It's a bit tricky getting my head around all of this but I'll get there with everyone's help.

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Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read about the communities in this post: [https://peakd.com/communities]

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If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

Thank you for your information. I will check it out. All photos, images, and writing is my own. I will have to reference my work in the future so no one gets confused.

Gosh, it must have gone so quiet after they all left home. I only had two and just have my youngest at home finishing off her SACE online. They started in the school system and came out when my eldest was nearly 10.

I hope you'll drop in on the HomeEdders community with some of your experience and stories while you're here.

It's the worst feeling ever. No one and nothing prepared me for this. I literally cried for 3 days solid. Yep... I am one of those mums.

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Oh my! I don't know, but this post brought tears to my eyes. You've just inspired me to keep going and gave me more conviction on the path we are taking as a family. Hats off to you, for being into it for twenty years! We are now on our 5th year. Long way to go, but testimonials from parents like you get me going. ❤️

I'm so so happy that you have chosen to do this. Never give up. There will be bumps on your road, just like mine, but you've got this. Believe in yourself!

Welcome ingridontheroad! If you love travel check out @travelfeed / TravelFeed.io :)

Will do. Thanks.

Maybe soon, I will love to do that me time also. Happy to read this as a mom who is just starting my journey in home schooling