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RE: A Mother's Love

in #parenting7 years ago

So true.... hahaha - I am however probably a little more selfish when it comes to my food LOL - this morning we went to Wimpy for breakfast and as I was enjoying my last pork banger jude asked if he can have it... sigh lol.... he got it, but rather reluctantly from my side hahahaha!!!


Hahaha I know that feeling well and it's always the lekker things that they want. Like don't you rather want this piece of toast?

hahaha!!! or...... they don't finish the damn thing, and then you don't want it back because it its been in their dirty mits which have touched everything in the restaurant, short of the inside of the toilet bowl hahahha!!!

Yes this is what normally happens. Never mind where the hands have been what about the state it's in, most of the time it looks pre chewed 🤣😂.