Chess and other board games as gadget alternatives for our kids

in #parenting6 years ago (edited)

Kids nowadays are so into technology that it's a real challenge for a lot of parents to pry them away from these gadgets sometimes. Here in the Philippines, most kids are currently on summer break until mid-June or even July for some. I understand how easy it is to just allow an iPad or whatever gadget is available to play babysitter so we don't have to.

On my previous post Raising iGeneration Kids: Understanding the Challenges, I mentioned some of the negative effects of too much screen time on our children. I also shared some ideas there to help us minimize these negative effects.

One idea in particular and probably is the most obvious one was to limit the use of technology and provide other alternatives. Playing board games, for our family, is a perfect alternative. It's also a great opportunity to spend quality time with your kids. You just have to make the time.

Chess in particular is a great game with a ton of great benefits including the following:

Improves math and logical/critical thinking skills
Impacts reading and other verbal skills
Fosters self-esteem and respect for others

Our family also enjoys Monopoly and even card games. What about you? What are some of the games that you enjoy playing with your kids that don't require technology? I would love to hear other ideas for us to try.

giant chess game.jpg

giant chess .jpg



I really agreed with you @jazzybells. Instead of computer games it is good to have to our children those kind of game chess!

yes definitely :) thanks for stopping by.

Much welcome! Congrats!

Nice article ma`am!

Thank you @raffyjohn02.

Nice idea for the kids i like it.


meh.. i can still beat em. :P

Great chess set! Board games and card game are fun too - we like paying 30 Seconds sometimes. I also made a few English Tongue Twister card sets for the game called Go Fish.

Those are great ones! :)

LOL try this.. 'loopy lizards lying lazily aloft a little lane of logs..' one of the cards in my home made pack for classroom ... would you believe some of my 7 year old students can read that out loud? Their home language is Korean.

If you like, I can upload a PDF for printing

Haha. That's a mouthful! Sure I would love a copy to share with my two kids. They are 10 and 13.

With pleasure ..

The tongue twisters and images were extracted from an book that I purchased. I do not hold the rights to the images or ideas, except that I created the card set to share with students in a fun medium for educational purposes!

Scan the QR

or go directly to the link on Yandex disk .

  • share the love at will :-) pass it on to anyone you like.

This is awesome! Thanks! We love tongue twisters. 😊

