Mate, love this share and backwoods mama. We've been finding that whenever we place resistance our little man pushes harder (and sometimes too hard) to find his own boundaries. When we simply be by his side, similar to the suggestions here.. well firstly it's fun and he seems to enjoy himself more patiently and relaxed too. Also we get gooey at how intuitive he can be when we leave it up to him. It gives him the opportunity to ask us for help when he wants, with his little grunts or a gestures and the back and forth is something we're really enjoying. Especially since he's so into all his climbing and balancing stunts lol!
What a ride though eh bro? So funny it's as challenging catching our words as it is our little explorers. Have you read much on NVC? It's my big challenge right now since when I do use my NO and it's fairly often, he definitely stops in his tracks. Thing is I'm now working on my tone, I've noticed I often come off pretty strong which he listens to but it's a thin line between intimidating him and of course fears form roots and relationships. Not all ways positive as we all know.
Anyway great post bro, you might enjoy reading into the NVC stuf too bro, kinda goes with with solutions over problems thing. I'm not with it 100%, though I've taken on some good tips and advice.
Love to your tribe 💗💗💗
Beautiful words as always bro. It sure is an awesome ride of inner and outer discovery.
I am also working on the tone. Though rather than saying no I am saying his name. Three syllables is enough for him to get the feeling behind it. Not gonna say it works however! He doesn't seem to care what we want. I assume because he can't yet fully understand the 'why' behind our actions.
In time he will... :)
Right on! Oh I can hear you now.. Essss.. teee.. ban LOL We do the same with Kai, it's sounding more and more like a long whhhhy? Haha these lil dudes are so much fun! 🙉