My story begun at Thursday afternoon. I left work at 5 as always. I'm not one of the employees who sit longer, just to show how much they care or should I say, to show how bore after work life they've got and how much they want to be promoted. So I left at 5 o'clock, as always. Get to the car, I'd like to say sport drive to home, but 10,000 speed bumps not allow me to do that. So drive home, luckily only 3 miles away. Park, take my bag, open the door, 'Hello honey...' and so on. Give a kiss to my future wife (wedding in June), take letters from the table.
'Dear, at last SP sent us a bill' - we waited for it from move in (5 months).
'And I think we get vitamins you've ordered...'
Hmm, weird shape as for package with pills.
As you can guess, vitamins turn out to be...
... positive test for pregnancy.
So, here we are. As everything was planned, it was very happy surprise for me.
As this is game changing moment, I decided to do something to change my work life as well. Not only because I'd need more money for another member of my family, but mainly because I want to spend more time with my future wife and 'still undecided name' girl/boy.
Blog - why not I thought. There is plenty of new moms blogs, and very little staff for dads.
So, what I want to write about?
- I didn't know you from this side - re-discovering of your woman
- New challenges that will come - more sex/too less sex
- Pre-DAD preparation - toys/strollers/baby cot
- Mr Gadget Dad - gadgets that you won't need, but you'd like to have
- Don't know yet, but I wanted to have 5 points list
If you're interested, please visit my site
Thank you.
Congratulations! and good luck with your blogging adventures!
Thank you Mate :)