The Truth About Parenting

in #parenting6 years ago

D635CA1D-5DF8-448E-B02B-033CF748E4CD.jpeg#Exhausting and frustrating

I've recently read some social media posts which painted a realistic picture of being a parent. One of them was Duncan Jones, the son of David Bowie who described having children as "exhausting, frustrating and life de-stabilizing". Most of you who are familiar with my blog know that my kids (and hubby!) are the centre of my world. For a long time I knew that I wanted three children and feel very blessed to have them. However, I completely agree with Duncan Jones! Raising kids is damn hard work and it's only after becoming a mother that I realise how much my parents did for me and my sisters.


I talked about this honest portrayal of parenting in my podcast last week. You can have a listen here:


In the podcast I also included an original poem that I wrote about parenthood. You can read it here too:

I got the perfect family, the man of my dreams
But being a grown is harder than it seems
it's not all it's cracked up to be
I'm responsible for three other beings
That's three little people looking up at me
I make it look easy but I ain't got a clue
Just like all the other mums out there
And the ones that claim they've got it altogether
just aren't being true
Their kids are the ones in the park beating other children black and blue
I'll be the first one to hold my hands up
and say that just like my eyeliner
I'm winging parenthood
I can make it look convincing
l'm a mummy headliner
I can look as composed as a swan
but underneath the water I'm paddling like mad
trying to catch a break so I can move on
Ticking off that never ending to do list one by one
Trying to hear my thoughts amidst the crying and chatter
and the shouts of "Mummy wipe my bum"
Dragging the kids out of the door cos we're late for the school run
The cook, the cleaner
the chauffeur, the tutor
the cheerleader, the general housekeeper
I should be on a six figure salary
yet this is the job where I won't get promoted
but it's to this role that I'm most devoted
I'm torn between wanting them to grow up so I can drop the night feeds
But scared of when they're older and won't need me.
Half the time I want to fast forward to bed time
so I can stare exhausted into space or have a glass of wine
The rest of the time I' want to hold onto each moment before they're grown up
When I get time to myself I'm racked with mum guilt
Feeling bad when I leave my little ones and there are tears spilt
But then I stand back and look at what our love built
And I look into their eyes and say "To Mummy, you are perfect"
I will cherish you forever
Love MummyImperfect


So rewarding and exhausting ! Lol