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RE: [PARENTING] To Spank or Not To Spank? My childhood experience, what I learned and how I incorporated that into parenthood

in #parenting8 years ago

Personally, I think there are time and situations where it's appropriate and where it's not. And for me, that is when they have done something running into the road, a short sharp shock is nothing in comparison to being run over by a car.,but something like back chat (aka exerting their right to freedom of speech) is not something that I would spank my kids for ( after all they are still learning how to communicate)
Often we hold our children to a much higher standard than we hold the adults around us to. I feel it's my job to teach my children, how to stand their ground respectfully through example, by teaching them how to put forward a reasoned and logical argument to support themselves. so spanking would undermine that I'm not saying my kids are angels (anyone who does is deluding themselves) but I don't expect perfection from the adults in my life so why should I expect it from the children?


I had actually reacted completely opposite to what you said when my kids ran too close to the busy road. I swooped them up and hugged them so close -- and told them they could have been squished like bugs (because they knew what squished bugs looked like). But back talking? Nope. Not tolerated. Not if they were being completely disrespectful or calling me names if they were mad about something. Now that I think about it, I may have told them that I don't care how they cuss or sass each other or their friends, but I drew the line for how they were going to talk to me. My kids never got spanked for accidents like broken plates or spilling food or anything like that. But my oldest once broke a glass out of spite because he was angry with me. Just picked it up and threw it. That got 3 spanks on the butt. And I showed him my boo-boo from getting pricked with a thin shard and told him that could have been in his foot. We don't throw breakables! I've also told them if they're angry to go jump on their beds. Hmm. Yeah, that was okay in my house. Maybe I'm just strange?