My 1 year old is losing her hair to Cradle Cap - all advice welcome!

in #parenting7 years ago (edited)


Luna hasn't even had her first birthday yet and already she is losing her hair. Large chunks are falling out leaving bald patches on the front of her scalp. Thankfully google assures me the hair will grow back and that Cradle Cap is fairly common for kids. Though the cause remains unknown.

Could it perhaps be a symptom of the recent increase in croissants due to Esteban's shady kitchen dealing?

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Took these shots this morning while they were raiding the cupboard together.

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What treatment have we been giving her?

We have been applying organic almond oil (grown locally) to the affected area and in the last few days the scabs have started to fall off, along with the hair.


Calling all Steemian earth mothers!

It is easy to feel a sense of concern despite the assurances of what has been read on the internet.

So, all advice is most welcome at this point!

My croissant eating baby & I thank you for your time :)


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I do not have a good advice for this, but reading your post the first thing that came up was your post of yesterday about the chemtrails. You wrote it rained for 3 days. Maybe she catched some drops and it's just a reaction/allergy because of that.

Good observation! Though I'm hoping that the rain isn't that toxic yet ;)

And I'm pretty sure she didn't get any on her. The answer is most likely the climate change of our move from Bali to France.

I would put colloidal silver on it, let it set a few minutes, then the oil. Help prevent any secondary infections, and is a broad spectrum antimicrobial, might just clear up the cradle cap itself.
And maybe slip a little coconut oil into the diet? My suspicion is that cradle cap is a sebaceous gland issue, and good healthy fats INSIDE her will do more good than on top of her if that is the case.
Adorable little raiders!

Thanks for the advice. If we were only in Bali still the colloidal silver would be easy to get our hands on. But alas, here in provincial France I can only imagine where we would find it. We do have some coconut oil however :)

Can you get three 9 volt batteries, some distilled water and some pure silver? My husband and I make our own for external (and animal) use, he made this "how to" a few weeks ago.

Wow! Really interesting to learn how to do this... Now for the silver!

Thanks again :)

 7 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Lol! I am pretty handy in a pinch!

haha! Brilliant ;)

Coconut oil all the way! Massage it in!

Thanks! Coconut oil sounds like the winner :)

our child had it as well, in the end we found out how to get rid of it by mistake. The kids (all 4) got lice, one of the home remedies for lice is coconut oil left on the head for many hours then combing. Basically the oil soaked into the cradle cap and when we did the combing large chunks came off. The lice comb is pointy so it got under the cradle cap, and the long soaking had softened it all.

If we ever had that problem again i'd cover the head with coconut oil, put on a shower cap and in 4 hours gently pick at it with a comb. I imagine other oils work as well. I have no idea if this is good advice, just know what i saw ;) oh, and i should mention wear old clothes, they get oil on them :(

Great idea with the lice comb & old clothes. Thanks!

I would say to try coconut oil on the scalp. I see that others have said that as well.

Coconut oil does seem to be the consistent winner these days! That's why we never travel without ;)

I suspect the scabs are suddenly dropping off now due to the cold & dry climate here in France. Rather different to the hot & humid climate she has known all her life.

Thank you for your amazing support x

Most usual homeopathic remedy for healthy babies with cradle cap is calc carb. You’d expect to see a sweaty back of the head whilst she is sleeping. That’s a key note for calc carb. Also love of boiled eggs (tho perhaps she doesn’t have those yet?)

The natural reaction of modern society is to add a topic ointment, pill or remedy to a problem. In some cases this can work, but, it often like playing the lotto.

Holistically, one has to try understand the root cause of the problem. Very often there is a 'trigger' involved, which, has caused this to happen. No amount of 'add-ons' will take away the trigger.

The fist things to look at is diet. I had a girlfriend with Alopecia and my sister has cradle cap. Both of these sinister conditions seem to be irritated by underlying food allergies.

Eczema is another skin condition which often falls under the same umbrella.

Remove all hyper-allergenic foods from her diet for 30 days and watch for a difference. Wheat happened to be the one which exacerbated my sisters symptoms the most.

Here is a comprehensive list of most allergenic foods:

The other causes can range from stress to irritants. I doubt a girl of her age suffers from anxiety. The other thing to look at is her current shampoos. Try look for sulfate free variations, or, use a Johnson & Johnsons baby shampoo for a while. The milder the products, the better.

I really hope you guys figure it out. Let us know what happens

Wow, your detailed response is massively appreciated.

I resonate with the idea that there is always an underlying cause. Though it's tricky to isolate the issue here.

Her diet is very similar to the one her brother had and he didn't have the condition.

I will check out the list you provided.

It's a pleasure. I feel for your daughter, as I know how my sister suffered from the condition.

The none invasive nature of the above recommendations make them attractive to try out.

I would never generalise when it comes to genetics. Despite having the same parents, your kids will vary in many of their traits and gene expressions. Every human being needs to be seen as genetically unique.

When my daughter had it (she’s 5 now) I would use a warm rag to wipe her hair enough to get the hair damp, then I would massage coconut oil into her scalp and finally I would use a very fine toothed comb to comb away the dead skin cells. The doctors also have a ointment to help. With her losing that much hair I would definitely take her to the doctor.

I don't much trust the doctors around here. Much of the problem has been our transition from Bali to France climate. Now we are not in the hot & humid part of the world, the scalp is drying faster. All my research tells me the hair will grow back, so am just gonna stick with coconut oil for now :)

Maybe try setting up a consultation with one of the homeopaths here on Steemit.

Wasn't aware of the homeopaths here! How can they be found?

@alanfreestone @helixhomeopathy @kjhomeopathy @sallylloyd I am sure any of the mentioned accounts here could help you out. I am a Naturopathic Doctor and would be willing to help but I would prefer to remain anonymous due to the content of some of my posts which could cause issues with trying to treat.

In this situation I believe we are okay. The scabs are almost gone. All I would like to see is some hair growing back now... and I believe this will come in time.

But I will be sure to make a note of this list for future reference. Thank you very much for that.

Well I want to say its ok for babies to have cradle cap but when it involves any of these ,hair loss, itching and redness then its a little more serious.But you can take off the scales by softly massaging the scalp with your hand or wash cloth, most times cradle cap develops because of high secretion of sebum(oil) in babies which can cause fungus growth and this can be treated by using doctor prescribed medicated baby shampoos maybe twice a week to wash the baby's hair and head but if scales are tough to be removed then a little amount of mineral oil can be used to soak the scales for few mins for easy removal but don't use olive oil as it may make the condition worse due to the presence of oleic acid in it which may not be healthy for the baby.

Many thanks for your detailed advice here. It is much appreciate :)

I'm looking forward to seeing how people answer this. I've never heard of this issue and I'm super curious what the cause and cure are!

The community here are amazing for this kind of thing. I've learned so much by sharing in the moment what is going on for us...

She may need Omega 3. It won't harm anyway - Omega 3 is known to also support healthy brain development so my suggestion would be to try Omega3 rich foods or get a supplement in a liquid form. Hope that helps...

Thanks! We were just talking about Omega3 this morning :)

Hope she gets well my friend!

Thank you! Once the hair starts growing back I'll feel a whole lot better :)

it will =) and remember she can feel how you feel, so stay motivated and optimistic!

Thanks! I'm pretty good at this when they are around me. They make it easy for me really as I just want to play with them and have fun like they do ;)

Way to go my friend, you are an examplo bro!

I hope Luna will recover faster. You take care her properly. I knew also your life style about this post.

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