They certainly offer the chance to improve our ability to stay calm! On a few occasions I have been surprised by the feelings which came up when I was tired and Esteban wouldn't sleep for hours.
Sounds like we have a similar story. Sabrina is much more protective than I. To me it seems as if her enjoyment of life is compromised by her constant danger analysis of each situation. And I've noticed a few times now that when the focus of attention is on the not happening... guess what happens!
My biggest hill to climb is not so much with the children but with my understanding of Sabrina's words and actions.
It sure is a journey of self discovery. For all of us.
Definitely when we become parents it is like we are relearning ourselves, it brings up so many different feelings and reactions that we otherwise wouldn't have experienced, it is like our personalities are placed in the spot light. But it is all good learning as our children are our best teachers, they just let things happen and be in flow.