This is one trick question that every mother has to answer if she has two or more children. I remember me asking my mom if she lived her son more than me and she jokingly said yes. I don't remember at what age I asked her so, but my brother who is four years younger than me made fun of my situation and also felt relieved that he was the most lived child.
My dad was a very reserved person, so we didn't long for his love. Our mothers love was important for us and when she said that her son was her favorite, it nearly killed me. I was devastated. I saw her feeding her son while I was left to eat myself, she gave him a bath while I have to do my cleaning myself and many more things where he was given priority.
I couldn't take it all as a joke and it got struck in my mind. I lived with it all my life until I had two kids of my own. That's when I understood how beautiful it is to be a mother. A mother cannot love one of her child more or less than the other, but being a human she can only cater to one child at a time. My brother being the younger couldn't do things on his own so she helped him very much like I do to my younger son.
I feel guilty that I thought she doesn't love me and I also feel guilty because I know my elder one must be sharing the same feeling which he doesn't convey. He, like every child asked me if I love him and didn't joke, I told him that I love him the most and he is the reason for my existence. He felt great listening to that, but I still feel that he doesn't like his little brother getting priority over him.
Being a mother is not easy :(
a mother never distinguishes her first and second child's affections, remains the same because she loves her two children, only a child sometimes feels distinguished
very good writing brother, have a nice day. 😎😎
very nice, @samysamy
Very interesting post
I love it
I think a parent telling a child that he/she loves his/her siblings more would create a kind of I'll feeling in the heart of such child. Parents are to love and treat all their kids equally. Asking a parent whom he/she loves more shouldn't be a question in a family because such question is likely to generate discord, insecurity and hatred if the parent doesn't respond with wisdom
Thts cute. All looks nice