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RE: Where Have All the PARENTS Gone?

in #parenting8 years ago

I haven't read Amy's article, but I have read Dr. Leman's book and it is FANTASTIC! One point in his book that disagrees with what is written here is the whole "allowance " and contributing to the family. He says, and I totally agree, that kids don't get an allowance. They help out with chores because they live in the home too.

The parents provide all their needs but if they WANT something that isn't necessary they can do extra chores to earn the money. This is where they are able to learn the lessons around money and working towards a goal.

He also says to say "Yes" as often as possible so that they understand that your "No" really means "No". He says to be careful before you give your answer because if you quickly say "no" and then think "Well I guess it is okay" you will need to stick to your "no", again, going back to the let your "yes be yes and your no be no".

I HIGHLY recommend the book!

As for the friending 500 people.....well, to be honest I am not interested in having a number of friends just to get the numbers. I want real authentic relationships, with people who have similar goals and interests. That is not to say that I think we have to all agree on everything, we can grow as a person from learning from others who have different views on a multitude of topics!

But at my core, I would rather have a few close relationships with people whom I love and respect and know without a doubt it is reciprocated over having 500 friends who are in it for what they can get.


The idea behind the 500 friends was to pick and choose those that you found an interest in, but I don't see that happening enough. As for myself, I won't do that type of "netfriending" (oh no, I didn't!) either. Relationships are much more important to me.

I get all kinds of friends requests over on that OTHER social media site just for being attached to that individual anyway, I don't go hunting down friends on any network, I just put it out there and wait to see who takes an interest in what I have to say!

Thanks for reading my post! ;)