More of them are coming and they're coming fast! Everywhere you look there is another, then another and another.
I'm not talking about those stupid zombie movies. That ain't real. The real deal is right here under our noses. Breeding at a rapid rate, they have come to take over the world!
What exactly am I talking about?
Little Monsters and two of them have settled in our house!
To the general populous they might be better known as little children. I believe I've discovered their motives though and can no longer refer to them as little children. Let the evidence speak for itself.
They start by infiltrating households all over the world. Most households either have them or had them at some point... now let that sink in for a minute! There are very few who have been able to resist. I actually wonder if those people have already made that discovery and decided to keep it to themselves for fear of retaliation.
Who knows? All I know is that I can't keep quiet about this and need to spread the word.
Do you know what they do after they've infiltrated?
Whoah, let me tell you, it ain't a pretty sight. They start off small by forcing you to feed them and clean them. Then, they will make sure to keep you close enough so they can pull at your heartstrings. Before you know it you've been wrapped around those little fingers like a tight elastic band. Wound so tight that there's no release.
Then the manipulation starts. OR... has it started already? I don't know for sure. It's hard to tell when that final nail has been hit into your coffin.
At this point you are lost. They've got you right where they want you. You will do anything to keep them safe, teach them the things you know about life and completely give your hearts over to them.
What happens next?
The intentions are clear. They know they have your undying loyalty and as soon as things become a little tough they'll use their clever little tactics, copping a tear or two and melting your heart like soft butter on hot toast.
And that, my friends, is exactly what they want. Those sweet, innocent little steps is all it takes for them to eventually TAKE OVER THE WORLD FROM US!
They're here to take over the world!
Oh no, wait, what? Isn't that what's supposed to happen... they're supposed to take over from us. We're supposed to teach, love and care for them so they can one day, look after this beautiful planet and all its inhabitants when we're gone.
Never mind, false alarm!

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

Don't think the hold they have over you will lessen once they leave home, you will worry about their well-being for the rest of your life, yep that's another sure thing!Excellent @therneau, I really enjoyed this! Thought for a while...please don't let @deanoza read this or I'll never ever become a granny...well there's still a glimmer of hope from the younger fledgling...I hope! But then the surprise ending ;)
Haha, @deanoza has nothing to fear. It was just some irrational thoughts ;)
Very cleverly put together, I love it!
Thank you @lizelle :)
Such a great truth @therneau and then they reach adulthood and battle scarred you breath a sigh of relief! Yay, at last, they are out of the house and you start to look forward to travel the world and to see all of sights you could once only dream of! BUT WAIT! The grand children start to arrive! First the one, then the second, the third, fourth fifth and finally the sixth from your own three children! Need I say more, no, I think your imagination can do the rest! Blessings and UV.
Haha, indeed. This train doesn't stop :)
lol. Hilarious spin on the parentals dude.
Hehe, nice :) Glad you enjoyed it.
Hey stranger! Are you still on discord?
Hey hey, yeah, I am. Been a little hectic on my side with work and The Real Life lately but I'm there :)
Drop me a msg.