Great inventions start with a great imagination and creativity. When you are glued to electronic devices all day your brain stops being creative. Children's brains are most affected by electronic devices. Not only does it impair their learning ability it can cause a long host of other cognitive problems down the road.
When my children were in the 6th-8th grade levels one of my parenting tactics for "punishment" was to ban the use of anything with a screen. Call it tough love, but I preferred to call it a brain break. It would usually take about the second day for the creativity to return! I was stunned at how quickly they started playing board games, puzzles and play acting.
Source: listheory.prattsils,org
I video taped their creative mini plays and wish I could find them as they were hilarious. The point is, electronic devices are robbing the world of creativity. Even as I sit here writing this, I should be working on my homemade Christmas gifts instead of trying to save everyone from frying their brains with electronics.
The greatest inventions of our world came before the huge electronic age. Cars, appliances, machinery, delightful mechanical toys were all invented before electronics took over our lives. One had to be creative in their mind as it was all they had, beside books. Ideas were imagined then tinkered then created. Take a break and turn off all electronics. Your mind will thank you!
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