Worrying about your child's challenge - encouraging parents

in #parents7 years ago

Have you ever been at a place or situation were you worry and you know you can't do anything about it....it's out of your hands .  This last week has been busy with school, work and kids. The children is busy with their activities and you rush from one place to another and worry about whats for supper and how you will fit in a days fork in 24 hours.....and don't forget to sleep in between. 

My child is taking reading classes since last year. It's not only reading but also computer classes and some Math classes in between.  I was so excited because I thought all is going well, till Wednesday morning. I've spoken to the teacher just to find out my child is struggling. It felt like someone knocked my legs out from under me. I felt so hopeless, what can I do, what quick fix will help me to get my child to understand and be as perfect as the others in her class. 


That's were I made my first mistake.... my child is unique and specially made just the way she is.  The whole day I just couldn't think of anything else but my child. I felt so hopeless and how am I going to help her. That afternoon I was talking to one of my friends just to clear my head and to make sure I'm not going crazy. I want a solution, help or something.

That's were I realized that maybe its not just me with this problem but other parents as well. We as parents are suppose to know our kids the best...we know when they are sad or happy, when something is wrong with them.

For the past year I've been asking help and what can I do to help my child but its like a great big secret that no one wants to share. I just want the best for my child, I want her to feel happy when she achieves something in class. But the question is: Is it about me or my child? When I think about this question I realize that live is hard and full of challenges and as small as they are I want them to face all the challenges as easy as they can. I can't control their life's, I cant be their all the time, I can't face their challenges because they need to learn something from it. I can help them through it. But by worrying and wanting to control everything doesn't change anything.


I decided that worrying will bring me nowhere so here is my solution. I went and sat down with my child to see where she is struggling and how I can help her. After a talk with her she told me that some of the kids in her class is laughing at her because she doesn't read as good as they....just hearing this my mommy instincts almost got hold of me. I told her that when something happens like this she must just ask them nicely to leaf her that she can do her work. Some kids are slower than others and that doesn't make them anything different. 

The kids get discourage quick and that's were we come in:

- To help them get confidence: By helping them to stand up for them self's when their friends is teasing them and still be nice to them.

- A positive attitude : by being positive changes your view of the situation and it makes is easier to get through it. When they are positive about reading or Maths they will learn to overcome their fear of being defeated. 

- Our example: they look at us how we handle a situation, if we handle it with hope and respect. They will most likely do the same and work through their challenge. 


This gives me peace of mind that I can help my child through her day. No challenge is to great to overcome. If I can teach my child to have Hope she can face any situation. 

My hope is that we as parents can be a good example to our children not to give up but to face a challenge with a smile and overcome our biggest fear.