I have attended trainings in human trafficking, met with human trafficking organizations, and talked with and worked with people who have been trafficked. With all that we've heard in alternative media about Pedogate, none of it crossed my mind as having a possible connection to media-controlled mass shootings until I read David Hogg's Twitter page:
Lists of corporation and politician partnerships and contributions with the NRA, organizing action, shoutouts from prominent politicians... and a complete absence of personal stories related to the loss of classmates. I suddenly had the sinking feeling that I was looking at a page being managed by handlers instead of by a teenage kid.
According to the Nevada Attorney General's website, some of the signs of human trafficking include:
"seeming to adhere to scripted or rehearsed responses in social interaction"
"working excessively long hours"
"living at place of employment"
"checking into hotels/motels with older males, and referring to those males as boyfriend or 'daddy,' which is often street slang for pimp"
"security measures that appear to keep people inside an establishment"
"not allowing people to go in public alone or speak for themselves"
@clarityofsignal has done an excellent job of recording data about the drama and theatrical experience of the handful of teenagers who have been appearing in the mainstream media as sudden stars of gun control advocacy. He even connected their drama club to a special effects wound makeup artist at Universal Studios.
One of the images he recorded especially caught my attention:
How involved with politicians are these kids, and for how long have they been a part of this involvement? And how connected is their history of involvement with politicians to their history of involvement with media?
The bigger question is, are they safe?
That deputy has now resigned for failing to act on behalf of the children during the shooting:
Why is only a handful of tightly controlled teenagers allowed to speak to the media? I have more safety concerns right now for that handful of tightly controlled teenagers than I do for the teenagers who are being shunned by the networks:
Another major red flag that caught my attention was the reporting of an "active shooter drill" in which students were told they would be shot with blanks. The video has been removed from the web. In it the student stated, "We were told there was going to be a drill and that we would be shot with blanks. But instead, it was real."
Here's where the link was:
Then I watched a video showing an "Active Shooter Drill" on the day of the shooting in which the drama students dressed up in special effects wound make-up, were told to run outside screaming, and simulated being shot with blanks:
There are numerous problems with this.
First, this is not the protocol used by any of the schools I know of an active shooter drill. In a typical fire drill, students practice walking outside, waiting for an all-clear, and then returning to their rooms. They don't practice burning down the school. In a typical active shooter drill, students practice staying quiet inside their locked rooms, waiting for an all-clear, and then returning to their normal routines. They don't practice shooting up the school.
Second, this "drill" goes against all safety protocol taught by the NRA. "Never point a gun at anything you don't intend to kill." "Every gun is treated as a loaded gun." What kind of school would teach kids that it's acceptable to point guns at each other and shoot each other with blanks? They should instead be teaching students to never play with guns. This exercise is psychologically harmful to the students for the dangerous messages it teaches, as well as for putting them in a situation of forced exposure to trauma.
Third, this "drill" requires some answers regarding what happened in the outcome of all of this simulation and mass confusion. Have the parents who lost their children physically seen their deceased children's bodies? Or were kids instructed to play dead while being carried into an ambulance and are now missing? Investigators need to answer this question.
Please know the definition of a false flag is not that no one got killed. It's that the circumstances surrounding the event have been manipulated to engineer a specific narrative. I am not suggesting that 17 students were not killed in the Parkland shooting, or that there are not parents grieving the loss of children. I don't know what those parents have or have not seen. I am simply suggesting that if any of those children are alive, that needs to be discovered.
There have been so many questions over the years about whether children died in the shooting at Sandy Hook. I knew someone who I believed was acting as a crisis actor, due to the lack of personal information in her posts, the excessive politicizing of the event that was allegedly personal for her, and the magical ability to consistently state the media's talking points before the media said them. And yet, I've spoken to people who say they know people who haven't seen their children since that event. Do they know that their children were buried and not sent to a trafficking ring? There's a lot to be answered, and I don't know the answers. But I think it's time to dig deep and ask the questions.