The Lies of The Parkland Florida Shooting! 4 Cops on Scene: Why Didn't they STOP Cruz?

in #parkland7 years ago


Remember, remember! The fifth of November, The Gunpowder treason and plot; I know of no reason Why the Gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot!

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people!

GREETINGS, PEOPLE OF THE WORLD - WE ARE ANONYMOUS. The banking-military-industrial-complexes of the world keep pushing to divide The People. They put blames on certain groups, and keep us divided, ignoring them who are the true threats. No one group is more a threat than any others. Humanity, as a whole, has done great harm to other humans. When one group is cast with blame, we shall show the other side of such stories...these are the sides that the corporate media don't want you to think of. Just follow the bouncing ball, sit back, and don't question.

Some of us will no longer do so…

The Parkland shootings, and what most people weren't being told. This is yet another attempt by globalists to disarm the last major bastion of armed citizens. If the government, and gun-grabbers, want to talk about school shootings, remind them of the Kent State shootings, where the Ohio National Guard opened fire, killing students protesting the Vietnam War.

For Parkland, FOUR Cops did NOT go in to stop the shooter, even though they were "on scene." Don't blame guns, but the cops who didn't do their job. How can 4 cops, at a high school, be present, but the shooter didn't get even the slightest deterrent?

Around this time, there was a school shooting in Maryland. Maryland shows what happens when an armed school officer (or any other properly trained person!) can do, with a gun, to stop a shooter. Only 2 big casualties from Maryland, and the shooter's dead. Florida: no one armed, and 17 big casualties, and the shooter's alive.

One needs to ask: why did cops visit his home 39 times over 7 years?!?

Let's also look at one of the big liars of this situation, Hogg. HERE IS HIS EXACT QUOTE, TAKEN FROM THE CBS NEWS REPORT.

"DAVID HOGG: On the day of the shooting, I got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.

Hogg does not elaborate as to why he was not at school at the time of the shooting.
He also admits that he did not know most of the students who were killed.
DAVID HOGG: I didn’t know most of these people at a very personal level, but I wanted to make their voices heard and that’s what I’m really trying to do."

So, not only was Hogg NOT at the school during the shooting, he doesn't know the victims, but seems to have claimed to have known them. Seems to fit in with the lame stream media, as far as reporting goes.

There are other things that don't add up. We have student accounts of a 2nd, armored shooter, and one student having been in contact with the student we're told is the shooter, and a teacher seeing what she thought was a fully geared police officer. This isn't the only “mass shooting,” including one at a school, such as the school shooting in Connecticut, where eye-witnesses have stated they've seen multiple shooters, and at times, the other shooters being armored. The “handlers” of MK Ultra or other government programs? “Black ops,” to massively raise the death tallies, to push forward the globalists' agenda of control? Opportunists, who are just looking for a chance to cull the lies of human overpopulation?

Oh, and Emma Gonzalez, one of the big liars of the Parkland shooting, has admitted that she “ostracized” the shooter as early as middle school. So, from the time of middle school, on, this girl had been repeatedly bullying boy, and others were, as well. Yet, according to this girl, the NRA is the problem, not Emma, herself, who had been bullying this boy for years! Let that sink in!

One final thing: Andrew Medina, a security monitor at Parkland, Fla.’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, saw accused shooter Nikolas Cruz step onto campus the day of the massacre. Despite suspecting that something was wrong—Medina said he radioed another monitor and told him to “keep your eyes” open—Medina himself didn’t confront the shooter. Now a new report reveals that a discipline committee wanted to fire the monitor and baseball coach last year after it was alleged that he had sexually harassed two students.

Not only did four sheriff deputies, on-scene, do nothing; not only did the FBI, who was warned months ago that Cruz was a potential shooter, by multiple individuals, do nothing; not only were their no flags raised of cops going to his home 39 times in seven years; and not only did no one do anything when Cruz was bullied by Emma, and many other students over the years, but now, a coach and monitor was aware that Cruz was coming onto campus--after being expelled, which Medina not only was aware of the expulsion, but had admitted to feeling Cruz could have been a shooter!--and we have Medina failing in his duty to stop this shooter from threatening the students.

Ladies and Gentlemen: we do NOT have a gun problem in America. We have a problem with the people whose jobs are to protect our students (in this case) from being killed. When these gun-grabbers manipulate these probably clueless students into these actions of “never again,” respond in telling them that cops, teachers, facility and staff, and even the FBI should “never again fail,” and do their jobs. When there's an expelled student coming back onto campus, with a backpack where you can't see what's in it, your job is to call into the main office, tell them to call 911, and that you have a potential shooter scenario. Maybe, if you don't want to confront someone who can kill you, you don't need to be a monitor, and allow for a teacher who is willing to be armed, to do that job. We have a problem with homeless or unemployed veterans. They already have the core training. Train them, and let them be our schools' guards. “Never again” should we have people unwilling to face a shooter head on, teachers or cops, be the ones to “defend the lives of students.”

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget. EXPECT us!