21 Smoking Gun Clues Of the Parkland False Flag Psyop | Florida Cover Up Fully Exposed

in #parkland7 years ago (edited)


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It has been nearly two months since the #FloridaSchoolShooting , and the #MarchForOurLives Parkland students with the help of the MSM are still using this event as the main reason to push a tyrannical anti-gun agenda. They continue to tell us to #NeverForget and I have not forgotten. Nearly two months later, and I have not forgotten. We have not forgotten, and we will not forget - the lies, the censorship, the lies, the unanswered questions, and all the lies.

After researching and reviewing the available evidence for nearly two months, I can confidently state that the Parkland school shooting was absolutely a Staged False Flag Operation and I believe the evidence proving that is beyond conclusive. That is my opinion - I hope you'll review the evidence and decide for yourself. The majority of the evidence mentioned in this post is also in the video above that I just put together, with relevant links for the rest.

The Smoking Gun Clues of the Parkland False Flag Psyop


2. Media Censorship and Suppression of Evidence and Eyewitness Testimonies Which Challenge the Official Narrative

From the very evening of the school shooting, the Mainstream Media began ignoring and censoring key eyewitness testimonies and other evidence which appeared to challenge or contradict the official version of this story, in favor of the scripted version of events fed to them by Broward County government officials. Within a week, social media censorship also revved up with the largest ever to-date YouTube censorship purge occurring, particularly targeting content which challenged the official story of the Florida school shooting.

Reporter Matt Musil from KHOU11 News interviewed Alexa Meidnik on the evening of the shooting, posted a 1:40min cut of the interview to his Twitter account, and reported live on KHOU11 about this interview, promising it would be played later that night on the 10 O'clock news. To my knowledge, that interview was never aired that night, being replaced with only about 15 seconds of Alexa's testimony, the majority of which is not even found on the initial interview cut released on Twitter. Starting the next day, it was as if this interview had never even taken place, never being mentioned by KHOU11 again. Nearly every other media outlet in the nation also ignored and refused to report on this interview among many others, favoring interviews with students pushing the gun control agenda or describing the horrific scene of the shooting.

A very eye-opening KPRC interview with a female student was never released or aired by the station, nor was it ever covered by the media, and would never have been made public if a bystander hadn't been leaning over the reporter's shoulder, catching the interview on their camera - later posted to the web. Many other interviews were initially aired, but were never picked up by any other stations, quickly fading from the media narrative and the minds of the masses. The YouTube censorship campaign also wiped out thousands of videos which contained a vast amount of evidence being ignored or censored by the media.

In fact, just about all the evidence listed below has been censored, ignored or suppressed in some way by the Corporate Media as well as the major social media platforms (Google's BlogSpot & YouTube, Twitter, Facebook). If there were not a massive cover up taking place here, there would be no reason to go to such lengths to censor so much relevant evidence from the eyes and ears of the people.

3. Alexa Meidnik Provides Apparent Alibi for Alleged Shooter & Lone Gunman Nikolas Cruz, Multiple Students Confirm Alibi

On the night of the shooting, Matt Musil of KHOU11NEWS interviewed Alexa Meidnik, who says she was walking down the hallway with the alleged shooter just after hearing shots fired on the other end of the building. She insists there were definitely two shooters. Since then, at least two other students have confirmed this alibi! High school senior Jalen Martin, in a phone interview with Alex Jones the day after the shooting, describes how a female friend of his told him that she had been walking with Nikolas Cruz and Alexa Meidnik at the same time shots were being fired on the other side of the building, and that there absolutely had to be two shooters. Another male student described walking right past Nikolas Cruz on the other side of the school even later, and says he talked to several other students besides Alexa who also saw and greeted Cruz, who “greeted back like normal,” he reported.

4. Multiple Students Report Multiple Shooters, Conflicting Descriptions of the “Lone” Gunman Confirms 2 Shooters

Alexa and Jalen are not the only two witnesses who are certain there were multiple shooters. The female student interviewed by KPRC News describes students being boxed in by multiple shooters coming from different ends of the building, and when asked if she thought there were multiple shooters, said “definitely THREE shooters.” When asked about seeing the shooter, another female student who had been hiding in a room which came under fire also mentions two people, not one.

Reporter: Now I know you told me you didn't know the guy who was shooting, and you hardly saw him, but of what you saw, can you tell me what you saw?
Student: It was just a slit, I just saw TWO PEOPLE run past, and then it was black and I couldn't see anything. The slit that I was looking through was so thin that it was just like, right past, ONE, TWO.
Reporter: Was he saying anything?
Student: Laughing, I just heard laughing as THEY walked past the door, and then I heard people walking down the stairs.

We also have two very different descriptions of the shooter coming from a variety of witnesses, which can only be logically explained if there were actually two or more shooters. Several witnesses describe a shooter fully dressed in tactical gear, with senior Jalen Martin even mentioning that the shooter had a gas mask and deployed “smoke bombs,” causing explosions which the students heard (these explosions are not a part of the official narrative either). Teacher Stacey Lippel also stated that at the time she saw the shooter open fire, she thought it was the police based on the tactical gear she described him wearing. But then, several other witnesses describe a shooter who is just a regular looking kid with a ball cap, more closely matching what Nikolas Cruz was seen wearing when he was arrested.

Either there was only one shooter and Nikolas Cruz is entirely innocent, or there were multiple shooters, in which case Nikolas may be one of those gunmen, and could have been setup to take the fall as the 'lone guman' patsy. If this is the case, it's also possible that Nik Cruz was programmed against his will to do so, with MK Ultra or similar CIA mind-control programming. It may also be that there were multiple shooters, one or more in tactical gear, one dressed as a regular kid, and that Nikolas is still innocent and had nothing to do with the shooting, completely set up to be the patsy for a crime he had nothing to do with. Examine the rest of the evidence for yourself and come to your own conclusion...

See also my video Students Report Multiple Shooters.

5. Nikolas Cruz Immediately Presumed Guilty, The Judge Presiding Over his Case Sealed Documents Filed by the Defendant's Attorney


How can it be that Sheriff Israel was immediately certain that Nikolas Cruz was the killer, and how could he 'know' right away that the suspect acted alone, when there had yet to be any time whatsoever to begin an investigation? An investigation which, had it actually been carried out, would show overwhelming evidence of both multiple shooters and of Cruz's potential innocence. It's worth noting that during his initial appearance in court, Cruz appears Zombie-like as if he had been drugged, a fairly common occurrence among the various alleged lone gunmen allegedly carrying out these alleged mass shootings from Sandy Hook to now.

Why did Nikolas Cruz's lawyer either allow or coerce him – on the very next day after the shooting took place – to confess to the crimes he allegedly committed, before taking any reasonable amount of time to collect any actual evidence the State may have had against the accused? And this when there was already at least one publicly available witness testimony providing the accused with an alibi! Isn't that a defense attorney's job, to work in the interest of the defendant and find any available evidence which could help establish their innocence? And what exactly is in those documents filed by the defendant's attorney, which the Judge immediately sealed in order to keep hidden from the public eye?

Either this lawyer is the dumbest, most incompetent attorney on the face of the earth, or there is a criminal conspiracy going on here, involving at the very least the corrupt Judge who sealed these documents and the lying hypocrite Sheriff Israel (more on Scott Israel and the probable conspirators below). This video (The Shady Players of the Parkland Psyop) exposes the prior corruption of this Judge, the hypocrisy of Sheriff Israel who is also a statutory rapist, and much more, some of which is covered next here in clue 6.

6. Suppressed Evidence Shows an Entirely Different Nik Cruz than the One Portrayed by the Media

While the media was busy portraying Nikolas Cruz as a troubled, rascist, violent, socially awkward monster who had been reported to or visited by the cops some 39 times, real research uncovered suppressed evidence which paints quite a different picture. Despite the CNN lies and propaganda, this photo shows Cruz and his black brother Zachary together, holding their deceased mother's ashes.
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This is clearly not a racist pictured here, by any stretch of the imagination! This reminds me of the previous alleged “shooter” Dyllan Roof – a violent racist according to the media, whose best friends were actually black :)

Unlike many student descriptions and various reports by the media, the couple who had most recently taken Cruz in had no knowledge of any of this alleged trouble-making, or that their foster son was the so-called “monster” the media claimed. This foster father, a James Snead, is also a current member of the Broward County School Board, which makes this apparent ignorance even more puzzling - if these media claims are in fact true, that is. Cruz's acting father was also previously employed as a high-level military intelligence analyst with a top secret security clearance, while Nikolas himself was a member of the military JROTC program, and now also stands to lose a near million dollar inheritance from his first adoptive parents, Roger and Linda Cruz. His brother Zachary was also immediately involuntarily “Baker-Acted” following Cruz's arrest, leaving the inheritance open to being stolen from them without resistance.

All is clearly not as it initially appears when it comes to Nikolas Cruz... (See The Shady Players of the Parkland Psyop for more details.)

It is not unlikely that James Snead, being so close to both Nikolas & the Broward County School Board, along with his previous top secret military intelligence clearance, could easily be deeply involved with the planning and carrying out of this false flag operation, regardless of the part Nik himself played – willing participant or unwilling patsy.

7. Secret Service Visited School 3 Weeks Prior, Active Shooter Code Red Drill Planned for Day of Shooting

Students and teachers were aware that police were planning to carry out an active shooter code red drill where blanks would be fired, and the majority of people present thought it was a drill at first because of this. Many students say they were told the drill would be realistic and involve police shooting blanks, while one girl mentions being told it would be so realistic that it would even involve real screaming by the fake crisis actor 'victims.'

Also, the Secret Service had visited the school three weeks prior in order to “change the safety protocols,” and it was during these three weeks in which teachers and students were being taught these new protocols for code red drills in preparation for the planned upcoming drill. It turns out the drill was apparently scheduled for that very day, according to one teacher interview.

I assumed it was a code red drill because they told us earlier in the day that we were going to be having a code red drill, I assumed it was blanks.

Another teacher elsewhere describes how he initially told his kids not to worry because he thought it was just the code red drill the school had planned for them.

“I said [to the students], look, you know, they could be practicing a code red, they talked about doing this, they even talked about police coming on and shooting blanks, and you know, I said that's kinda weird!”

Yes, weird indeed. Since when does the Secret Service visit high schools to change the safety protocols and train teachers for active-shooter code red drills? What are the chances that a random shooting would occur on the same day an active-shooter code red drill was scheduled to take place? Let us not forget that the confirmed false flag on 9/11 also took place at the exact same time war games involving hijacked airliner drills were occurring, causing mass confusion. Similarly, mass confusion erupted in Parkland due to the knowledge of an imminent live-fire code red drill. It appears that this Code Red Drill did indeed take place on the day of the shooting, either as a cover for the actual shooter(s), or with those carrying out the drill also being the only actual 'shooters' involved.

See also my video – Parkland School Shooting Code Red Drill – which also includes footage from actual live-fire, school-shooter drills at Florida schools so you can see what these drills actually look like. Hint: They look just like Parkland! And yes, fake blood, crisis actors and real shooting (blanks) are all a part of the package, “all in an effort to make the drills more realistic”...
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8. SWAT Evacuation Oddities and Red Flags

The female student interviewed by KPRC News (whose interview was never aired) said that when students were being evacuated, the “army people” were hiding bodies under mats in a corner so the kids wouldn't see them. Another female student reported that when they were being evacuated, the police were telling them not to look around, to put their hands up, and to look down and run fast.

Video footage of the SWAT team entry into one room (captured by student phone camera) reveals that the first commands given to the students were to put their hands up and to PUT THEIR PHONES AWAY. High school senior Jalen Martin reported that teachers were instructing students to put their phones away and to not call anyone, and one teacher even snatched his phone away from his friend who was calling his mom. Yet another student, Kelsie Friend who was interviewed by CNN, actually reported seeing gunpowder all over the floor – which would not occur in a real shooting unless the gunman was using a black powder rifle and spilled a bunch of the gunpowder! I've done a decent amount of shooting with an AR-15, and there should be brass all over the floor, not gunpowder - just sayin'.

The same video mentioned above also reveals a strange conversation by the SWAT team members immediately before entry, which would make far more sense in the context of an active shooter drill than an actual school shooting:

“Next round coming.” “I'm good if you guys are.” “Brian I don't need this there.” “I'm gonna hook left once you enter.” “Is that yours?” (“Get it outta here!”) “You guys good?” “We're good.” (“Set his phone right here, Jesus!”) “Moving, left.” [Entry] “Hands, hands, put your hands behind your head.” “Police, police.” “Put your phones away, put your phones away.” [Phone shut off]

Another video captured by student cellphone camera shows armed men in camouflage (the “army people” who also hid 'bodies' under mats?) escorting students into a room and directing them to stay there. However, this is not mentioned in witness testimonies or the official statements on the shooting, which all describe SWAT team members and police entering the school rooms to clear them and get students out of the school. If there were police or soldiers hiding children in rooms to protect them from the shooter, this seems to indicate that there were police or soldiers inside the building during the shooting, and yet by all accounts authorities didn't enter the building until after the shooter had exited...

Again, this makes far more sense in the context of an active shooter drill than an actual school shooting.

9. Broward County Deputies Arrived on Scene During the Shooting and Refused to Enter the Building and Engage the Gunman: They Were Issued a STAND-DOWN ORDER, Confirmed by Fox News

Laura Ingraham reports that these deputies were ordered not to enter the building unless they had their body cameras on. Oddly, the Broward County deputies don't wear body cameras, so they never entered the building or engaged the shooter.

10. Police Lost Radio Communications During the Shooting, Initially Refused to Allow Medics Into the Building

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Laura Ingraham of Fox News goes on to say that their source also reported the same odd occurrence during the Ft. Lauderdale shooting – police losing radio communications for the duration of the shooting.

11. The Shooting Conveniently Occurred on the Perfect Day to Thwart Pro-Gun Legislation, Same as Ft. Lauderdale

Florida pro-gun legislation which was set to be voted on, one bill on the day of and one bill on the day after the shooting, was withdrawn in response to this school shooting, and was thus thwarted. The Birth of a New Earth Blog, quoting an email from a Broward County resident, reports that the same exact type of situation occurred in the recent Ft. Lauderdale shooting, where pro-gun legislation set to be voted on was thwarted when the shooting occurred that very same day...

See also my initial blog post on this - Florida School Shooting: Obvious Cover Up From Day One - look for the updates in brackets...

12. Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel has Refused to Release Video Footage From the School

"We're not going to disclose the video at this time, and we may never disclose the video depending on the prosecution and the criminal case." - sheriff Scott Israel

13. Sheriff Israel Changed His Story About Where the Shooting Initially Began, Between Days 1 & 2

On the evening of the shooting, Sheriff Israel said the shooting “started outside, and went inside,” while the next day in his official timeline he states that the suspect entered the building with a rifle in a black soft case, and THEN took the rifle out of the case, before he began shooting into rooms at 2:21pm.

14. Sheriff Israel's Official Time-line of the Shooting Conflicts with Witness Testimony on 3 Major Points

First, Sheriff Israel states in the official time-line that when the suspect entered the 3rd floor, he dropped his rifle and backpack and ran down the stairs – no shots fired on the 3rd floor according to Broward County. However, one student reported shooting on the 3rd floor and said that a shooter broke the glass on a window in the 3rd-floor room she was hiding in. In a speech at the White House, a man also claims his daughter was murdered at the school, shot 9 times on the 3rd floor. Somebody's lying here. These stories can't both be true. Either there were at least 9 shots fired on the third floor, or the gunman immediately dropped his rifle and backpack and ran down the stairs, and there were none.

Second, Sheriff Israel states in the official time-line that Nikolas Cruz sat down at McDonald's at 3:01pm, and yet there is a student who claims to have walked right by Cruz at 3:20, on the other side of the school from where the shooting occurred. Third, Sheriff Israel insists Cruz was a lone gunman, multiple eyewitnesses report a shooter who was fully dressed in tactical gear, and yet the sheriff never mentions the suspect dropping all this gear, despite being found in nothing but pants and a t-shirt when he was later arrested. This official timeline also conveniently ignores the fire alarm being pulled - a key point in this whole event.

15. Numerology Smoking Gun – Sheriff Israel Reports Shooting Began at 2:21 Hours and 33 Seconds

How does Sheriff Israel know the exact time, down to the second, when the shooting began? And what are the odds that a gunman would just happen to start shooting at exactly 33 seconds into a minute – a number with great Freemasonic and Illuminati significance? The odds of this being a mere coincidence are 1 in 60 or less than a 2% chance.

Conversely, if the gunman intentionally began shooting at that exact second, it screams staged false flag. Of course there is also the possibility that the sheriff doesn't actually know the exact second the gunman began shooting, but intentionally chose the #33 to send a message to his fellows in the Zionist Cabal, the 33rd Degree Club, etc. - in other words, 'the Illuminati' and 'Deep State'. This too screams false flag operation and complicity on the part of the Sheriff's Department.

16. “Eyewitness” and recent gun-control activist David Hogg Caught Lying at Least 3 Times

First, David Hogg has been caught lying about being at the school when the shooting took place. In at least one interview, he admits to being at the school and being locked into a room with other students when the shooting started. In another interview, David states that when he heard about the shooting, he immediately grabbed his camera, jumped on his bike and rode 3 miles FROM HIS HOUSE to the school, in order to get “as many interviews as [he] could, because [he] knew this couldn't be just another shooting.”

Second, David Hogg did in fact have his camera and got as many interviews as he could, allegedly during the school shooting. This video was then edited and later released by various news outlets in at least three different forms. However, in one of these versions, David Hogg clearly slips up and states that it is 9:32 before asking to interview an “Alex View,” when the shooting didn't start until around 2:20pm. Re-compiling the three released versions of the video reveals one uninterrupted original version, catching David Hogg in another lie. (See more on this at my video/post, The Smoking Guns of David Hogg)

Third, David Hogg has been caught lying about how many of his sister's friends 'died' that day – at times saying two, at times three, and at times four. If his sister had truly lost any of her friends that day, you'd think David would be able to keep the number straight.

17. A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words – Crisis Actors, Anyone?

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18. David Hogg & the 'Crisis Actors' for Gun-Control are Actually Actors...

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In response to being called a crisis actor, David Hogg stated on CNN that, “I am not an actor in any way, shape or form,” and has denied the accusation on many other occasions in various ways. That is simply a flat out lie, because David is certainly an actor. He's acted in several student productions, and has been caught admitting this in regards to those attacking him: “Honestly it's been great advertising for me, IN TERMS OF ACTING.” Cameron Kasky also openly admitts he's been an actor since childhood, in the school's drama club.


Welcome to Parkland! (The Whole Hogg) for more evidence of this & an hr cache of Parkland video)In reality, the majority of the key students here pushing for the gun-control and involved with MarchForOurLives are actually actors in some way, who have either helped create and/or acted in various film projects. Here are just a few photos documenting this. (See @ClarityOfSignal -



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Actors? You Decide.

19. March For Our Lives is an AstroTurf SHAM

The entire Parkland Psyop was and still is about the push to disarm America, and these poor “victim” students have become the faces of gun-control in America today, with an entirely new organization rising out of the ashes of the Parkland event – March For Our Lives. In stark contrast to the media narrative, the truth about MarchForOurLives is that it was not started, formed, founded by, funded, organized or built by the students, at all. Enough said. Look it up.

And see my recent video – Gun Control Double Speak | They Want to Ban Your Guns! – to see more gun control lies and hypocrisy, featuring David Hogg & Friends

20. CUI BONO – Who Benefits?

I think it's easy to see who benefits. Florida politicians and lobbyists who wanted to block the pro-gun bills coming up for a vote, just as happened with the Ft. Lauderdale shooting. The national anti-gun lobby and Democratic Party, with Sheriff Scott Israel as well as David Hogg and his merry band of actors leading the charge to disarm America. CNN and all those media outlets who want every form of dissent and opposition (which is competition, too) to be completely censored from social media platforms, and have made progress in that regard since the event. The actual founders and organizers of MarchForOurLives. Whoever might collect Nik Cruz and his brother's inheritance. And the list could go on and on and on.

The trail always leads back in the same direction though - the radical anti-gun faction on the Left & those who fund it - the owners of the corporate media outlets - the international bankers - Zionist Talmudic Jews like Scott Israel & those who stand to benefit from the Vegas false flag.


Just like at Sandy Hook... All the physical evidence is being destroyed.

In Conclusion

America should have woken up after 9/11, because two planes didn't powderize three buildings, and fire doesn't bring steel framed buildings crashing down to the ground at free-fall speed. Operatives within our government and the Mossad are responsible for the murder of over 3,000 Americans. But America slept, and forgot...

America should have woken up after the Sandy Hoax shooting, because unless there was a miraculous mass resurrection, those supposedly murdered students never died that day. But America slept, and forgot...
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So America got more, including Ft. Lauderdale and Vegas, and most recently Parkland. Some of these false-flag events have real death-counts, while some are complete hoaxes, but they all serve to further the agenda of those who wish to profit from war, disarm America, and take even more freedom away from law-abiding citizens in the name of safety and security.

#EnoughIsEnough - enough false flags, enough government cover ups, enough corporate media lies, and enough tyranny. #NeverForget - Never forget how evil our government, and particularly certain factions within it, really are. Willing to sacrifice 3000 Americans for a Zionist agenda overseas and whole bunch of war profiteering. Willing to stage and fake an entire school shooting just to pass a few tyrannical laws. Willing to sacrifice an innocent patsy just to further a political agenda or satisfy their greed. It is sick, and it must come to an end.

From 9/11 to Parkland, we have not forgotten, and we will never forget. Join us. Wake up, America!

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