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RE: The Monsters, Inc. Argument for Unconditional Basic Income

I have absolutely nothing against your sharing my article here on Steemit via a Parley link. In fact, thank you for doing so, as it helps spread the message.

I do however wish to point out that your link to my article has more upvotes than my actual article which I posted here on Steemit in full, and is thus according to Steemit logic seen as having more value.

This to me is fascinating, and points out an issue here on Steemit that goes all the way up the chain to being an example of problems with the entire system that UBI will again help with.

People who don't earn enough money to live do not deserve that. They are often extremely hard workers, working day after day and earning very little. Meanwhile, other people are not working as hard and earning much more. Because they earn more, they are seen as being more valuable people to society.

But that's not true. If some whale on Steemit posts a link to an article that someone else wrote, and that link earns $1000 while the author earns $1, according to the logic of the system, the whale created $1000 in value, while the author created $1, but of course that's not true because the whale posted the author's work.

This inequality is true on Steemit and it's true in the real world. People are producing value that's going unrecognized while others are being recognized as creating value who really aren't. There are even people getting paid to destroy value.

Our system is messed up, and UBI is important to help fix it through the unconditional recognition of a minimum amount of value.


To go one step further with the analogy.

What if we consider, using your example, someone who posts the link on parley, is a person who spent considerable time on this forum commenting and interacting. Through that "work", that person attains quite a following.

Someone from the outside looks at the situation as someone posting a link versus someone taking the time to write, edit, and post an article. This would draw the logical conclusion that the person who posted the link did less "work" than the one writing it.

What we have here is the unseen efforts. Using the analogy, we see this in society with many activities not deemed "work". This causes a lot of people to be labelled negative things like lazy and freeloader.

Raising one's kids is not looked upon as work. Giving those "welfare" moms all that money is a waste. Never do you hear that one raising her kids produces better results in school, less juvenile trouble, and better health. Society would prefer this mother go work some dead end, low paying job, put her kids in day care (or worse, just leave them on their own), and be a "productive" member of society.

None of the behind the scenes work is recognized as a contribution to society. People only look at the impact as black and white. Money is given to her so she can stay home so it is a cost of our tax dollars.