
If you can't stand the heat, stay out of the fucking kitchen!

Doesn't everyone know that naked boobs are good for your heart health? Seriously, looking at nudity is like doing cardiovascular exercise. We need it on Steemit because we aren't going to ever leave our chairs again.

I know this is a parody post, but my heart thanks you for keeping it healthy while I sit in one place without moving :)

Would love so much more pictures if you feel like sharing :)

Enjoy the cake.

Cardiovascular health... right... ahahahaha

I'm going to assume lots of bad life choices rather than maliciousness for now by applying Hanlon's razor. Regardless, I believe that rewarding bad choices increases fragility in society and is counterproductive to the long term survival of the human species.
Free speech from both sides should be encouraged.

I was hoping your civil comment on my other blog meant you were done stalking my blog to make comments such as this but evidently not. Wishful thinking.

 9 years ago  Reveal Comment

The founders of Steemit aren't stupid either. Not only that, Steemit will become opensource to developers soon. I'm going to assume innocent until proven guilty, but unlike other platforms, as opensource developers we have more power to prevent abuse of the platform.

I never refused to do anything. I just posted the proof. I was attempting to wait to have actual access to my steemit money which I didn't due to the coinbase issue. You are a very obsessive psychopath. Seriously, get a fucking life.

The cake looks delicious :) if you know what i mean

Lemons is an anagram for melons.

Your a badass! haha! Good one! :D

Any Gay Steemit type sites. I'd show my cock for some upvotes. I'm serious.

Will you put a sock puppet on it with googly eyes tho?

FYI I don't expect a lot of upvotes. It was just satire. :)

I know I was just kidding. I'm not kidding about the Gay steemit site though. And yes. I would use a sock puppet with googly eyes. I'd name him...Lipstick. By the way disrespect...but you got some big as titties.

Like the idea. Like the name. I support it. Go for it.

You cant be creative enough for the post cake picture.. I dare you .... I double dare you

More like Laura Melons, amirite??

Man...I'm worried about the future of steem posts. Is it really coming down to this?